Lady And The Tramp Harry Potter AU

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Hermione curled into her bed, a content look on her face. She watched as her mate jumped around with their pups. Sirius had caught her off guard, but she'd always be thankful for him. Sirius finally rounded the pups to bed. "Thank you love." She smiled, nuzzling him. "Anytime Darling. Now, rest. I'll make sure the kids go to sleep." He nuzzled their sleepy pups. "Lonan had a long day, that is for sure." The smallest black pup was passed out under his mother's stomach, his face sticking out. "Phoenix got covered in mud right before her bath because of Lonan, and Jasmine has simply stayed away from her siblings…… I do believe she is going to be the one of our children that is to hide away forever….. No boys are going to touch my girls, just like no girls are to touch my baby boy!" Hermione giggled and nudged him. "Lay down already love, the pups are asleep and you'll wake them!" Sirius laid down, curling around Hermione and all three pups protectively. One thing was for sure, nothing was going to touch his babies. It had taken several tries before they finally had a litter, and then one of the pups, Hallen, hadn't survived the first night. His little mate had blamed herself so badly, but it wasn't her fault. Hallen wasn't born properly like the other three, he'd been more pain inducing and when he was born, his entire chest was clear and his organs were in disarray. Sirius had known the pup wouldn't make it as soon as he'd seen, but Hermione…. It had almost killed her when she woke up the next morning and Hallen was gone. Since then, she'd become pregnant with another litter, and he hoped this one held more than just the four like the last. He couldn't complain though, she was a new mother and had given him three healthy pups. He went to sleep curled around her, protecting her and all of his pups.

~The Next Morning~

Hermione woke before Sirius and got each of the children fed before waking him. "Sirius, love, it's time to get up." Sirius rolled over in their bed and immediately shot up growling when his family was gone, calming as he surveyed the area. "Love, wake me next time… I needn't sleep in every day!" Hermione giggled and nuzzled him. "Yes papa wolf. Now get up, the kids need to get ready for the day and I much feel like going back to sleep." She smiled a close eyed smile and laid back down.

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