In love with the Bully (James x Severus)

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After the war, people began to come back from the dead. It started with Severus Snape and went from there. The biggest surprise was when James and Lily Potter came back from the dead. James looked Lily in the eyes, and said four words that would change their lives. “We need to talk.” She nodded and they went back to their shared home. “Lily, I need to be honest with you…. I’m in love with Severus.” Lily smiled sadly and nodded. "I understand, James. Go to him, he deserves happiness."

*Flash forward a few years.*

James was trying to put him and Severus Snape’s daughter, Vidia, to bed, when she stopped him from leaving. “Papa, can you tell me the story of how you and daddy fell in love?” Severus smiled and sat down beside James on the small bench by her bed. “Well, it was a sunny day half way through our 6th year of school. Your daddy and I had known each other for a long time before that, but he was my Bully. I had gotten in trouble with Auntie Minerva and she made me go to your daddy’s Quidditch game, telling me that I had to be the spectator for the match against Slytherin that Saturday.” He smiled slightly, resting his head on James’ shoulder. “I had felt something hit me in the head, and when I looked to see what it was, I saw an acorn, thrown by none other than your daddy. When I looked to glare at him, the sun flashed brilliantly on him, and it almost seemed like his olive toned skin had begun to glow. I wasn’t sure what the feelings I felt were, and I blamed them on Uncle Sirius, thinking he had slipped Amortentia into my morning glass of Pumpkin Juice. When I went to Professor Dumbledore, he told me that there wasn’t a trace of potion in my system. I walked to the Slytherin common room, confused. I didn’t know what he meant.” Severus took a deep breath. “Two weeks after that game, I finally figured out my feelings. But when I was about to tell him, I found him snogging your Aunt Lily in the hallway. I was shattered. I ran so far away, I got lost in the Forbidden Forest. When Hagrid found me, I cried myself to sleep, and had hypothermia. He immediately ran me to the hospital wing, laying me on a bed. When I woke the next morning, I was forced to drink a heat production potion and asked what happened, why I was in the Forest, and how I got there. I answered most of the questions, but what happened was the one I couldn’t. I got emotional immediately after being asked and hid my face. They left me alone until James came in.” This was where James took over, rubbing Sev’s back. “I had heard that he was in the hospital wing, and ran as fast as I could. I had promised your aunt Lily that I would try to be nicer to him, but I wasn’t sure how to. We had always hated each other, and being friends seemed…. Impossible.”

James and Severus take Vidia’s hand and take her to her pensieve, adding the memory. “Let’s go.” They dunk their heads and watch as the memory begins to play out. “What do you want, Potter? Here to tease me some more? Laugh at me for being weak? Well go ahead. I can’t take anymore. I can’t-can't...” He breaks down, the first time every breaking down in front of somebody other than himself. He felt the tears begin one by one, then start pouring down his cheeks. “Just get it over with!” He sobbed out, his body shaking. James, with his lack of experience, simply patted Severus’ back. “There there?” He said questioningly. Sev simply sobbed harder, unable to speak. “Why are you crying, Severus? I simply do not understand.” James sits down, hugging Severus gently. “G-Go away...G-Get back to Lily…” He managed to get out before bursting into sobs once again, his body wracking. When Madame Pomphrey came in, she forced James from the room and gave Severus a calming draught. When he was calm, he explained what happened, and Pomphrey sent for Lily Evans. “Ms. Evans, your friend has something to tell you, and I suggest that you listen to what he has to say. It may change your outlook on life.”

When Lily sat beside Severus, he looked into her Emerald Eyes. “Lily, I think… I think I might be homosexual…” He looks away, terrified of her reaction. “I found myself developing feelings for a Gryffindor male…” He looks back to her. “Lily, I can’t do this by myself, please don’t hate me…” Still in shock, the Ginger girl pulls her best friend close. “Severus, I could never hate you!” She hugs him tightly. “Homosexuality is not something that bothers me, Sev. You know that. Now, are you going to tell me who it is?” Sev shakes his head. “No because it would affect your happiness. Go back to the Common Room, Lily. You have a date with James soon.” She smiles softly and goes back to the Gryffindor Common Room, and Sev stands. “Oh no you don’t, young man. Sit back down, you’re not leaving anytime soon.” He sighs and agrees reluctantly, sitting back down.

The memory skips forward a year, to the moment when James received his diploma. Immediately, he turned to the freckled ginger beside him. “Lily Evans, when I first met you, I KNEW that I was in love with you. So now, I ask of you, will you marry me?” He drops to one knee, opening a ring box with an Emerald in the center of a golden circlet. Severus dropped to his knees across the room and buried his face in his hands. Anyone other than Lily would think it was simply nerves, as he had yet to receive his diploma. However, Lily’s eyes told him that she knew what was wrong. She hesitated, but he nodded. He was giving her permission to say yes. She nodded softly. James jumped up and put the ring on her, kissing her. Severus ran from the room as fast as he could, throwing his hat and robe off. He apparated to Spinner’s End, hiding away in his bedroom.

The memory skips forward again to the wedding. Lily had Severus as her bridesman, and he stood behind her in his tuxedo. He had a grim look upon his face. James did not notice, and as the ceremony ended, Severus wished them the best and left. When he got home, he stared at the black snake on his left forearm. After discovering that James would likely never return his affections, he had made a terrible mistake and joined the ranks of Death Eaters. “I wish I could go back…” He broke down in tears.

The memory skips again to Halloween, 1981. Severus saw the Dark Mark rise on his way to visit Lily and James. He ran as fast as he could to the house, finding it destroyed. He ran inside then picked up James’ lifeless body. “James…” He held the body close, rocking it back and forth as he cried. “I-I’m so sorry, my love…” He whispered, closing the man’s lifeless Hazel eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He laid the body back down, kissing his head. “Sleep well my darling…” He rushed from the house, going home.

The final flash forward took nobody by surprise. Severus stared at the raven haired man in front of him. “James… H-How are you here?” He stutters for the first time in almost twenty years. “I was brought back, as was Lily. But my question is why you didn’t tell me.” Severus was taken aback. “I don’t know what you mean, Ja-” James cuts him off quickly. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were in love with me, Severus? Why didn’t you tell me before I ever kissed Lily?” Severus shakes his head. “Because you never would have accepted me, James. You were in love with her. I had to move on.” Severus shakes his head. “I didn’t, clearly. I held your body in my arms as I cried because you were dead…” James takes his hands, kissing them. “It’s okay, Sev. I understand. I’m here now.” He kisses Severus gently. “It’s okay.” He holds him close.

When they pulled out of the pensieve, Vidia looked to be crying. “That’s how we got together, baby girl. That’s the story.” She cried and held her dads close. “I-I’m ready for bed now…” She whispered, laying down. They covered her up with her duvet and kissed her head. “Goodnight, our precious little bumblebee. Sleep well.” They left the room quietly, her night light coming on and her door shutting.

James carried Severus to bed and smiled. “Good night my love.” He laid down beside Severus and went to sleep.

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