Changing the future (Harryxtwins) (NevillexBlaco)

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   Neville Longbottom woke up at 8 AM on July 30, 1994. It was his 13th birthday, and the day he would finally be allowed to go live with his uncle James. Him and his god-brother had been born only a day apart, but the two acted like twins. You never saw one without the other. When he "defeated" Voldemort 12 years ago, he lost both of his parents. But he remembered hearing something from the man's mouth. "I'm sorry my son... I love you... Keep your brother safe..." And then a bright blue glow enveloped the room and Voldemort was gone, his robe left behind and covering the baby, who was left with a bleeding shoulder from the bit of wood shattered off the door.

   "Harry? Have... Have you ever wondered if there was any relation between us? Like-Like what if we're twins? Normal people aren't born within twenty minutes of each other." He pointed out the obvious differences between the two of them. "We have the same nose, same eye shape, same facial shape, and we're born 20 minutes apart. What if we're not actually just god-brothers?" He pulled out a letter from his pocket. "My gran always said that she found this in the room with me the night mum and dad died. She said it was inside of a cloak wrapped around me."

   The letter read, 'To whoever finds this boy, keep him safe. My oldest son, I did not abandon you like they will say. I had to leave you to keep you and your brother safe. I know that it is not the most ideal way for a father to protect his boys but it is my only option. When the both of you turn 13, I will return and we will go home. I promise you this. I love you, both of you, so much. My oldest son, your brother is a submissive. On his 13th birthday, he will go into a heat. You must keep him from all dominants until he finds his mate. This is absolutely vital! The both of you are Veela. If my calculations are correct, a dominant and submissive Veela. It's your job to protect him until such a time as he finds his soulmate. I must go now. I will see you soon, my boys. Daddy loves you. Tom."

   Neville held his younger brother close to him as a golden light encased the both of them before the Weasley twins ran in, Blaise and Draco close behind. "We heard a noise, is everything-" Within mere moments, they were in the arms of two different pairs. Blaise held Neville close as Draco checked him over while the same thing happened with Fred, George and Harry. "Your dad's here. We need to go." They were rushed into a large cloak and out the door, before being transported to a large house. "Woah... Insane..." Neville looked around the place before seeing a seemingly 28-year-old in front of him. "My boys... You're home!" Tom pulled his boys close to him. "My boys are home now..."

   The next two days were spent celebrating. Tom got his sons settled and introduced to his followers, then got them some cake made and they spent the rest of the summer together. They were a happy family, all except their mother. Life was getting better. Slowly.

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