10 year reunion

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Draco sighed. He watched as his wife of a year was pulling her ginger hair into an elegant updo to go with her silver dress. The ten year reunion begin in 20 minutes and his biggest concern was Astoria Greengrass. She had joined the fanclub in 6th year, and was more obsessed with him than Pansy Parkinson. His biggest fear was that she would go after his pregnant wife, Ginny Malfoy. He tied his tie, then fixed her Gryffindor hair bow into place. "Come on lovely, let's drop Lucy off at-" Ginny rolls her eyes. "Mum picked up Lucy 10 minutes ago. I know you're nervous, but Astoria won't touch me. Besides, I'm a fearless Gryffindor, and known for my-" He shudders, cutting her off. "Bat Bogey Hex." She straightens his tie and smirks. "Exactly." She holds his hand and apparates the two to the castle gates, keeping a hand on her stomach. “I can't wait to see Hermione! Ron and Lavender had plans, thank goodness.” She bounced excitedly as they walked up to the rebuilt castle. As they approached the door, however, Astoria appeared. “Dray baby!” She kissed him, and Ginny growled as Draco pushed her off. “I would appreciate if you didn't touch my husband, Astoria.” She gripped her wand. Draco rubbed her back, trying to calm her. “Easy love. Don't stress, it's bad for the baby.” Astoria's jaw dropped at that. "You mated with a BLOOD TRAITOR?!" With that, McGonagall approached. "Miss Greengrass, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She stormed off, and Draco Grinned. "Let's get this party started!"

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