The Estranged Love pt 2

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Draco shook slightly, looking at a picture of Harry, Hermione and Ron after the end of the war. “I thought you were really dead…” He wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller man, kissing the top of his head. “I’m okay, love. We’re all okay.” Harry nuzzled his face into Draco’s chest, as had become a habit for him. “I’m right here, and we’re both okay.” Draco smiled, stroking the small cat on the wrist of his lover. “We have to be married by New Years….” He whispered, closing his eyes and squeezing the latter tighter. “That seems so soon…. It’s already July.” Harry led the taller man to the bed, laying him down gently. “Let’s take a nap, you’ve got so much on your mind right now that if you don’t clear it, you’ll overstress.”

Draco closed his eyes, breathing in Harry’s scent. “Yeah… You’re right…” It wasn't long before both of them were asleep. However, it was anything but peaceful. Draco quickly began to shift in his sleep, letting go of Harry and rolling over as his father appeared in his dreams.

        *Enter Draco’s dream*

Lucius growled at twelve year old Draco. “Don’t fail me this time, Draconius. You know what will happen if you do.” He slapped the boy, causing him to back into a corner, before taking another swig of the Firewhiskey in his hand. “Don’t EVER challenge me again!” Draco whimpered and wrapped around himself. When Lucius finally disappeared, Draco saw Harry laying dead on the floor. “Harry!” He rushed forward, and when he looked up, saw Voldemort. “Harry, wake up, i-it’s….” He thought back to what Hermione had said at Flourish and Blotts. ‘Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.’ “Harry it’s Voldemort! Wake up! Please!” He shook Harry, trying not to be too harsh. When Harry wouldn’t wake up, Voldemort laughed and cast the Cruciatus curse. He screamed, beginning to thrash in his place.

*End Dream*

Harry shook Draco, trying to wake him up. “Draco, love, wake up. It’s okay, I’m alright, wake up.” He kissed Draco finally, awakening him from the slumber that he’d been in. He held the taller male as he cried, rubbing his back. “It’s okay, Draco. I’m here.” He rocked them back and forth carefully, soothingly.

*End Flashback*

That was then, and this is now. Draco sat tall with Harry as they watched their surrogate give birth to their beautiful baby girl, Addison Taylor Malfoy. When she cried, Draco’s eyes filled with tears. The nurse attempted to hand her to the mother, but she shook her head. “I never wanted kids. I’m Harry and Draco’s surrogate because they’re good friends of mine. They knew I didn’t want kids and that there would be no question of whether or not they would get to take her home. I’m an orphan, both of my parents died fighting Voldemort. She’s theirs. Let Harry hold her, he’s the one that took special medical potions to allow him to be able to feed her himself.”

        Harry’s eyes widened as the nurse handed the girl to him after cleaning her up, and small tears began to fall. “Luna… Thank you so much…” He looked up at the blonde and smiled. “She’s so beautiful, a-and…” He looked back down and kissed the baby’s forehead. “My beautiful little Addison.” He held her closer and rubbed her tiny arm before picking out the onesie for her to wear. He sat down beside Luna and smiled. “You’re still her mother, but… would you like to be her godmother?” She smiled and nodded, taking the baby gently. She knew that she was blessed to be able to have children, but to make Harry smile like that…. She felt like her world was complete. She may not be his, and he may not be hers, but she gave him something that nobody else would be able to give him, a daughter to hold and love.

Draco wrapped his arm around Harry and Addison, kissing Harry’s head. “Thank you so much, Luna. You’ve given us a true blessing, how can we ever repay you?” She shook her head. “Seeing Harry happy is payment enough. Keep the smile on his face. I need to rest, she wasn’t easy to push out, you know. Harry, you can lay down on the cot with Addison if you would like, since she has to stay here for a couple of days. That way, one of you is here with her.” Harry nodded and laid down with Addison on the cot beside the bed. She was quite small, only 17 inches and 5 pounds, but she was perfect, or Harry thought so.

It was three days before the doctors released the tiny infant to go home with her fathers, and when they got home, Draco immediately began fixing up the Nursery. He made sure that everything was perfect to keep their baby girl safe, and made sure that nothing would be able to harm her. He changed the crib into a cradle, and made sure that everything to do with where she would sleep was perfect. He then made sure that there was a doorway between the nursery and their room, emptying it of boxes so that they would be able to travel through the door to get to her at night. Of course, the first few months, she would be sleeping in a cradle beside their bed so that Harry wouldn’t have to get up every 2-4 hours to feed her. It was safer to keep her in the cradle, and helped prevent a case of SIDS that would crush the married couple.

That night, Harry laid his sweet little daughter down in her cradle beside their bed and smiled. “I can’t believe we really have you. Sleep well, my precious little girl. I’ll be up to feed you when you begin to cry, and I’ll soothe your fears as you grow. Goodnight my precious. I will see you when you need me.” He ran his thumb over her cheek and smiled, laying down on the bed.

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