The Estranged Love pt. 4

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James focused on getting everything into his trunk, smiling at Obsidian and Yang. The two had recently hatched a nest of owlets, and were happy parents. They kept the nest in Obsidian’s cage, where there was plenty of room, and made sure that they got all of their nutrients necessary. They were a happy pair, and the owlets were very talkative like their father. It was when they hatched that James and Jonathan had discovered the nest in their shared wardrobe in the Slytherin dorm. They had chuckled and moved the nest into Obsidian’s cage carefully that morning, and had offered Minerva the service of some owls once they’d been properly trained.

Jonathan packed all of their things while James made sure that the owlets were properly prepared for the 8 hour train ride, smiling. “Are you sure that your mum is alright with me staying with the two of you? I mean, I can be a bit of a nuisance at times, and I know that I have a tendency to talk a lot.” He had grown accustomed to not being able to ‘speak’ to James, so he had enlisted the help of a Ravenclaw named Risa to create a spell that showed him what he was saying as he said it. It was a lot quicker and a lot more efficient when the two were trying to communicate.

When they arrived to the platform to board the train, they made extra sure that the owlets would be okay and smiled, finding a compartment. When they sat down, they both immediately passed out.

Everything was fine for the first two weeks, but then the wrackspurts began taking things from people.

James ran around like a madman, stressing out. “Where is it, where is it?!” He threw things left and right, almost hitting his boyfriend in the face. They’d managed to convince the Headmistress to allow hearing aids, and Jonathan had immediately started wearing them and teaching James to speak. Now, even with his voice so broken, it was clear when he stressed about his Sketch Book. “I can’t find it!” They were staying with his mother while his fathers got the new house ready, and Luna smiled at her son. She stepped forward and tapped his shoulder. ‘You know, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.’ He calmed down as she handed him his sketch book. ‘Calm.’

He sat down to sketch Pebble, the smallest of the owlets, and calmed down completely. Everything would be fine, so long as he had the babies, his sketchbook, and Jonathan.


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