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Remus sat in the common room with Sirius and James. "This is becoming ridiculous you two! It's a simple charm!" He groaned and threw a ball at the less attentive James. "You're both ridiculous!" He stood up and went upstairs. James looked to Sirius and grinned. "I think he actually believes all of our ridiculous stupidity." Sirius chuckled. "Well, we are rather ridiculous. Now, let's go find Moony the Ridiculously uptight werewolf." They both stand and run out of the portrait hole. "Ridiculous is what we do best!" They ran out, going to begin a prank. Remus came back downstairs. "Well, now that my ridiculous friends are gone, maybe I can get back to my book." He sits down, taking out his copy of Romeo and Juliet.

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