The Laughing Fit

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Seamus sat in the Gryffindor common room, chuckling. His life was going well but nothing going bad surprised him. During the night, Dean had surprised him with a nice Spaghetti dinner, and a good cuddle. What really got him was the events that had occurred during their makeout session that morning. Dean had had to go upstairs to get his muggle inhaler because he was laughing so hard, and that wasn't even the worst part. Someone had caught the moment on a video recorder and played it on repeat in the great hall. Seeing it on camera, Dean was forced to dig out his inhaler for the second time that day because once again, he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. It had gone something like one of those muggle Rom-Coms that he and Dean watched on Muggle Night.


Seamus and Dean sat on the Gryffindor Tower floor, snogging. They were okay with people staring, as each felt reassured that everyone knew that the other was taken. All of a sudden, in the midst of their passion, Seamus popped off with "No homo." That sent Dean sprawling. He was forced to pull away in attempts to quell the laughter, but no matter how hard he tried not to laugh, he couldn't stop himself. The situation had created an epic apocalyptic black hole of laughter, and he couldn't stop. It was like someone was consistently tickling his sides. He ran up the stairs, nearly tripping twice before making it to the dormitory. He grabbed his inhaler, taking a puff. Once he was finally calmed down, he made his way down the stairs and grabbed Seamus' hand. "Breakfast time, love. We should hurry before Ron eats all the food." He chuckled happily.

Once they'd made it down to the Great Hall, they sat down just as a video began playing on the overhead. When he heard his own guffaws, he looked up. That was when it began playing as a remix. "No Homo, No Homo, hahahaha" Was on repeat. One of the other muggle borns had obviously found a spell to make their electronics work, and Dean's money was on Hermione, who was curled up with her girlfriend Daphne, laughing hysterically. Daphne grinned and kissed Hermione on the head, then winked to Fred. Obviously, they'd started some sort of plan into motion. What worried Seamus was that Fred Weasley was in on it. His triad with George and Draco was even more troublesome, based on the fact that both boys encouraged mischief. Dean worried for his sanity. His boyfriend worried for their safety. Either way, both boys knew that they needed to keep on their highest guard.

*Flashback end*

At this point, it was just after dinner and nothing had happened. Seamus hadn't seen Dean since their last class, but that was normal. Dean typically went out to sketch after classes because it helped him to relax. It wasn't normal for there to be silence for so long, and for this to be absolute peace after that morning... He had a bad feeling. That was only amplified by the fact that Dennis Creevey ran in and stopped in front of him. "Seamus! Seamus! It's Dean!" He was trying his hardest not to giggle. Seamus was beyond worried as he stood and rushed out of the room, running down the tower stairs. He was so worried that something bad had happened. When he got downstairs, however, what he saw cracked him up. Dean had put a pair of 3" heels out for Seamus, and was grinning. He looked like he knew what was happening. But when Seamus got down the stairs, he was awestruck. Ginny and Luna strapped him into the heels, Harry got him comfortably standing, and Dean... Dean knelt in front of him. "This isn't an engagement ring, but it is a promise ring. I promise to care for you, I promise to stay by your side, I promise to protect you for all of my days. I love you Seamus... Will you be my Promised?" He looked up to see a crying Seamus and immediately freaked out. He pulled his emotional boy into his arms and held him as he cried. He knew that this was new to his poor boyfriend, knowing the past that he'd had with his parents. When his dad had found out that they were together, he'd been disowned. His mom had thrown a fit when she'd found out he'd been disowned, but then did the same when she discovered why. Seamus had moved in with Dean that same week, and that became his safe space.

*Time Skip about 3-4 years, after everything is safe and all*

Seamus and Dean smiled down at the baby boy in Seamus' arms. At just a few weeks old, he'd been abandoned and brought to the shelter. He was so quiet and sweet. That was how they knew that it was destiny and that he was meant to be theirs. They nodded and signed off on the papers as soon as they could, taking their boy home. Their little Nugget. They had struggled to come up with a name, as any new parent does, but as soon as Seamus' stomach growled from nerves, they'd known. So now, his name was Nugget. Nugget Finnigan-Thomas. The youngest and newest member got his own entourage and got his own pet- a puppy named Bones. He was loved, and he was cared for. This was a new start for all of them.

And to think it all started to go uphill because of a Laughing Fit.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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