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I sat alone in my bedroom. Sadness, anger, betrayal were all the feelings I knew at the moment. I couldn't let him know that I found out. He wouldn't see the difference.

That night, as Salazar entered our home, I fought off the tears, finishing supper. Our three year old daughter, Roseanne Paige, ran into the room giggling, and jumped on Sal immediately. She had gotten my beautiful straw-colored hair, but his stony eyes. "Papa!" She giggled, hugging him tightly. I teared up yet again, remembering what I found out and looking down. She would never scream his name again, not after tomorrow. "Hello my little sugar-pea. How was your day with mommy?" He asked. I smiled slightly at that, knowing that he would only be soft this way around us. "fun!" She giggled more, hugging him tighter.

I began to silently weep, and he noticed. "Princess, run upstairs. Daddy will come get you when it's time to eat." She ran off and he stepped forward, "Helga, my love, what is the matter?" He wiped the stray tears off of my cheeks. "You're not to leave!" I demanded, crying still.

He looked as though at a mental crossroads then chuckled softly to himself. "Helga, my love, I made that plan before I fell in love with you. I was to leave on the morrow, and ne'er return. But no longer. I could never be able to leave you, Roseanne Paige, and Little Thomas." He placed a hand on my stomach. "I will stay for you, and for our family."

I smiled at his words, biting my lower lip.  This was my man, the man I could call my own. I would never let him go. "All is forgiven, help me serve Roseanne her supper?" He smiled and nodded, then called her down again.

After supper, Salazar and I were laying in our bed, staring at the roof. "We're you really going to leave?" I asked, my sky blue eyes searching his Stone grey ones for answers. "My love, as soon as our precious daughter entered this world, I vowed never to leave. The day that we wed, I promised you that I would be by your side through thick and thin, until the day that we both died. And I meant it." He rolled onto his side, taking my face into his hands. "To leave you would be the biggest, most foolish mistake any man had ever made." He kissed me and we fell asleep.

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