A new kind of friendship (Tomarry friend/family fic)

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        It was the 29th of July, and Harry was sitting in his bedroom, cradling his stuffed bear close. At fifteen years old, he was terrified. He'd witnessed his own godfather die, and now realized that the only people he had left were his muggle aunt and uncle. Suddenly, he heard crying downstairs. He stood up, but then remembered that the door was locked. All he heard was pleading, and it sounded like his aunt. "Please, give him a better life!" She cried, "He doesn't deserve the pain he's been through!" He sighed and sat back down. There was no way she was talking about him, she hated him. A knock sounded on his bedroom door, and Harry let out a scared whimper.

       After his godfather's death, Harry had been taken to see a muggle psychiatrist, who had helped him to regress into a headspace that she referred to as Little space. She said that he would need to be taken care of in this headspace, but that if he would let her, she would explain to his aunt and uncle. He allowed her to, but at a price that she was unaware of. That night, his uncle beat him worse than he'd ever beaten him before. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

       *********Flashback- TW: Abuse, gore, and cursing. If this will trigger you at all, skip to where you see *********Flashback End******** thank you***********

       Harry winced as he made his way to his cupboard. He gripped the little teddy tighter and sniffled. He wouldn't tell his psychiatrist that he was scared here. He wouldn't tell her about his physical scars. She would just laugh at him.

       Vernon threw open the door and threw the small wizard onto his bed. "YOU SPOILED LITTLE FREAK! I bet you told her about us too, huh freak?! You'll regret that!" He ripped his belt out of its track around his waist and began to whip the boy. 1, 2, 3, 4, after 5 hits, Harry cried out. "Stop! I-I nu teww! I nu teww!" He didn't realize that he was speaking like a baby, he couldn't help it. He was too far into Headspace.

       Vernon growled and ripped the boy from his room, dragging him to the drawing room. He threw Harry over a desk and began to strike him time after time with a whip. Harry had long-since silenced himself. He'd learned that after Vernon got out the whip, he had to be silent.

       After a few hours, Vernon left Harry alone, bleeding and little on the floor. Petunia found her nephew unconscious, and immediately began tending to the poor boy's wounds. She was hoping that she would gain the confidence to leave him soon.

       **********Flashback End**************

       Tom opened the boy's bedroom door, looking at him and sighing. "Oh you sweet boy..." He picked Harry up gently and cradled him close. "We're going to get you to a new home. You'll be safe with me." He held the tiny boy's body close to his own as he apparated home. "You'll be safe with me."

       Severus had told him of the conditions the boy was living under. He'd been fully informed on the amount of abuse that Harry had suffered, and all of his mental illnesses as well as physical injuries and emotional scars. He knew what he was doing as he took the boy upstairs to a bedroom that was properly decorated for a teen, but also kid-friendly. He laid Harry down on his new bed and brushed back the dirty, matted hair from his face. "We're here, sweetie. Get some rest, tomorrow you'll have a new family to care for you."

       Having heard of everything, Tom had made the executive decision to adopt Harry. He had one child of his own, and the closest thing to a mother that he would know would likely be Bellatrix Lestrange. However, Delphini was but a toddler, and Bellatrix would survive as a mother- for now. One thing was for sure, however. He wouldn't let this boy go as an orphan for the rest of his life, as Tom himself had. He would have a better life, a significant life where he wouldn't be led to slaughter.

       To give him this new life, Tom would wake him after a nap and ask him if he would allow the adult to give him a deaging potion brewed by Severus and obliviate his mind. He would be raised as a Riddle. He would have no pain, no more suffering. He would be told of his biological parents, and would be told of the greatness that they had left behind as a legacy, but then he would also be told of his new lineage, and all that his father had done to take care of him. Tom was a changed man as he stared into the scared Emeralds that hid behind curtains of Black. He would make certain that Harry got his own happily ever after. 

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