Chapter 19

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A good half hour spent spinning a bottle like a bunch of kids. They ended up taking a break for some alcohol, bunch of adults drinking alcohol whilst playing truth or dare; nothing could possibly go wrong. Whilst the group were talking amongst themselves Bulma offered Goku a drink.

"Ah, I'm driving." Goku smiled as he reluctantly declined the drink.

"You can stay here, come on have a few drinks with us."  Bulma wrapped her arm around Goku planting a kiss on his cheek. This hadn't gone unnoticed as Vegeta glared at her from the corner of the room. Not that she cared, she was too tipsy at this point.  She smiled at Goku as he shrugged and grabbed the drink. As she headed to sit back down, she felt a tug on her arm from Vegeta causing her to  raise a brow at him in reaction. "What?!"

"Don't give me what! I just seen you kiss him!" Vegeta let go of her arm and shook his head at her showing his annoyance. She crossed the line there, well so he felt in his head, how much has he even drank?

Bulma scrunched her face up at him and looked back at Goku, before changing her focus back on Vegeta. "You baby!" She rolled her eyes. "It was a peck on the cheek, nothing meant by it!" She shook her head at him as she sat back down.

Vegeta glanced back seeing Chichi now stood by Goku. Were these women seriously wanting to test his patience? He looked away as he noticed Goku looking over, he didn't want to show just how jealous he was getting. Damn the alcohol, definitely the alcohol and not him behaving this way. He smiled as noticed Goku push Chichi back and headed in his direction. There they were playing truth or dare, what started off as something mild and silly, started to get more rude as the alcohol flowed between them. Laughter echoed the room, and then it happened. Chichi dare Goku to strip, Vegeta growled at her, damn, he growled which caused heads to look his way.

Goku felt sweat drip from his brow as he felt nervous. "Uh...can it be something else?"

Chichi smiled and Vegeta before looking back at Goku. "Those are the rules, you asked for a dare. You dared for Yamcha to have his pubes waxed, so it's only fair you stick to your dare as he did his." Chichi leaned back folding her arms as they group began chanting him on to do it.

"I'm instantly starting to regret joining in on this game." Goku whined as everyone stared at him, he looked at Vegeta for support, Vegeta just smirked eyeing him up and down as he finished his drink. Of course he'd find any opportunity to see Goku naked. Goku looked back at Chichi. "I'm only stripping down to my boxers."

"You do that, and you'll have to stay in your boxers for the rest of the night!" Chichi snapped in hope he'd just strip down fully. She sighed as he stripped down to his boxers in front of everyone who cheered him on. He then pouted crossing his arms glaring at her.

Bulma glanced over and giggled as she quickly looked away. Unbeknownst to Goku his boxers left little to know imagination. She noticed Goku raising a brow at her as she was looking around the room listening to others truths. She blushed as he titled his head to the side looking at her with curios expression. "I'm sorry." She held her hands out and started to giggle. Everyone paused and looked back at her. "How have you not broke Vegeta in half with that thing!" Bulma pointed between Goku's legs as she wiped her tears with her other hand. Chichi frowned as all focus was on Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta raised a brow as everyone studied the pair, as if to make a mental image of them both fucking. "Why don't you go read about it." Vegeta shook his head at them and smirked. Yeah you know. "Besides Bulma, it's not like you haven't seen his dick before, if you recall when you caught us." He sat smug as she glared at him, whilst Goku was crossing his legs.

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