Chapter 24

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Could this birthday week get any worse? Vegeta pouted as they approached his fathers house. His father invited them both to stay over as he wanted to give Vegeta his birthday present; because he refused to spend money on the postage fuck that for a laugh. Vegeta quickly changed his pout to a forced smile as his dad answered the door. His father looked over at Goku on crutches.

"What happened to him?" He pointed at Goku whilst looking at his son.

"He broke his leg, it's a long story. Just let us in I'm fucking freezing out here!" Vegeta demanded as he buried his hands in his pockets.  His father rolled his eyes at him, he picked up their stuff and escorted the pair in.

Vegeta sighed as he helped Goku onto the sofa, if the sex incidents they had gone through wasn't testing their relationship;this certainly was. It must be real love considering he's still with him after being vomited on. "Stay there, I'll help you to the room shortly."  He smirked as Goku raised a brow at him, like he could get far with a broken leg.

Goku sighed as he was left in the room on his own, he heard a cough that caused him to turn his head to the side he quirked a brow looking over at Vegeta's brother. He found it odd how Vegeta hadn't really mentioned him before.

"He hasn't mentioned me I take it?" Tarble raised a brow as he studied Goku's astounded look. "I'm Tarble, his youngest brother." He folded his arms as his eyes trailed to Goku's leg. "What happened to you?"

"Um" he gulped "I tripped over something." He kept glancing over at the door way praying Vegeta would hurry up,because he wasn't good at being put on the spot like this.

"Looks like you had a nasty fall to cause such break." Tarble knitted his brows at Goku who gave a nervous laughter, he then glanced over at his brother who glared at him. "Whatever." He shrugged and walked out the room.

Vegeta helped his boyfriend from the sofa whilst cussing to himself, the shit you do for someone you care about. They had to take their time as Vegeta helped Goku into the spare room, he was so tempted to go into his fathers shed and throw Goku on the wheelbarrow, because this was fucking hard work. He eased Goku to sit down on the bed, and started to unpack their stuff, he furrowed his brows as he came across a picture frame with a photo of them both in it. It had a love poem written in the back that Vegeta quickly skimmed through, he sighed as he felt terrible for all those nasty thoughts of wanting to trip Goku up. He looked up at Goku who was now displaying a cheesy grin at him. "You sentimental bastard."

"It was meant to be given on your birthday but uh..." he looked at his leg and back at Vegeta.

Vegeta smiled looking at the picture, he seen Goku had noticed this he quickly put the frame away. Damn that bastard hit him in the feels. He sat next to him and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too." Another kiss shared between them. "Still hate you though." Vegeta grinned.

Goku shook his head at him as he chuckled lightly, he pulled Vegeta in for a deeper kiss.

They joined the family for a meal, Goku felt nervous he drank a few glasses of water each time he was asked questions. He'd look over at Vegeta for some help, Vegeta simply just smiled at him, the fucker just got a kick seeing him getting all flustered like this. Seemingly telling them that just fell, wasn't satisfactory enough about how he broke his leg; least with his father he was pretty blunt with these kind of things, no judgment was felt. He felt very judged by Vegeta's dad and brother, they started to go on about Bulma how it was a shame her and Vegeta never worked out. This annoyed Goku to the point he bent the fork in his hand as he listened to them mention Vegeta's relationship with Bulma, obviously they approved of her more. Vegeta could see just how riled Goku was getting, they had finished their meal and excused themselves from the table.

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