Chapter 44

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A loud rustling alongside some crashes were heard from the kitchen. Vegeta who was wide awake at this point, started to nudge Goku in the back. Like fuck was he going to investigate the sound on his own. "Kakarot, wake up!"  He nudged him some more, after frantically nudging some more. He gritted his teeth for he left him with no other option.
"Wake up!"  He snarled whilst kicking Goku out of the bed. A loud thud was heard as his body made contact with the floor. Sure enough, it worked for there was a small whine and some grumbling.

"What was that for?!"  He asked whilst rubbing the back of his head.

"Can you hear that?"

Slowly he rose to his feet looking at Vegeta with a perplexed expression. "Hear what?"

"If you shut up for a second, and just listen!"

Goku remained still, his eyes looked around the room listening out for any sounds. There was a loud bang and smash outside their room. "What is that noise?!" He yelped as another loud sound was heard.

"I don't fucking know, that's why I woke you up!"

Goku pursed his lips, he could tell Vegeta wasn't going to be the first to step foot out the door. "Okay," he sighed as he started to walk towards the bedroom door.

As much as he enjoyed roaming his eyes over his lovers body. Now was not the time to let their guard down, he leaped out of bed pulling Goku back. "Where are you going?!"

Goku scrunched his brows. "To check out the noise?" Was he wanting him to investigate, or not?

"Put some fucking pants on! We are not going out there with nothing on, at least have some dignity!" He growled and threw some boxers at Goku. Truth be told, it was mostly to cover up his distraction. It just wouldn't be appropriate to suck that glorious cock. Not when there was threat just the other side of their bedroom door. The pair quickly threw on their boxers, and slowly opened their bedroom door. They paused for a moment and peeped through the small gap, there was some scurrying and hiss sounds. Vegeta furrowed his brows, did that bastard raccoon return? If so, he was going to give it a piece of his mind. He grabbed the first object he could reach from on top of his chest of drawers. Ah-Ha! How'd that bastard like to beaten to a pulp by an 8 inch dildo. Best weapon ever! it both startles and gives a good beating!

Goku looked over his shoulder seeing Vegeta with the dildo in his hand, ready for battle. "Babe, what are you planing to do with that? Pleasure them to death?"

"Shut up," he huffed. Clearly jealous that he didn't think of such a genius plan. Toys can always double up as weapons!...always!

Not wanting to question his partners sanity further, he decided to just roll with it. Slowly they edged the door more open, and tip toed out their bedroom. They both froze on the spot seeing raccoons had completely destroyed their apartment. They were now helping themselves to some bottles of beer in the kitchen. Everything went silent, as they all spotted each other, deathly glares were made.

Goku frowned seeing one particular raccoon sat amongst the rest. "Leon, how could you?!" he crossed his arms disappointedly at the fur ball. "And to think I was going to ask you to be our best man!"

Furrowing his brows at his partners statement, he nudged him in the back with the dildo. "You can't be serious?"

Goku leaned to the side to whisper into Vegeta's ear whilst keeping his focus on the raccoons. "No. He doesn't need to know that. We just got to try coaxing him back on our side."

"Fuck sake Kakarot, I'm not having vermin at our wedding...and that includes your ex!" He stomped his foot whilst waving the dildo in the air.

"Vegeta, shh! They might hear you and get upset!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes, if his partner wasn't going to do anything, he may as well do it. "Be gone vile creatures!" He snarled as he threw the dildo at the raccoons causing them to scatter everywhere.

"Vegeta that's not nice, Leon has a name." He frowned and shook his head.

"But you didn't name the othe-" he paused seeing Goku point his index fingers together with a nervous smile. "Kakarot, did you name them?!"

"Well-" he scratched his head and started to point at the raccoons. "Leon,Jill, Claire, Chris, and that one teabagging your cookie jar is Barry."

Vegeta heard enough, especially after seeing that god damn Barry teabagging his cookie jar. Shit just got personal. And thus, objects began to be thrown at them. The pair grabbed any objects they could find, hurling towards the uninvited visitors. From plates, dildos, toilet bowl, cushions, sofa, lamps, landlord and...wait...when did the landlord come in? The pair froze seeing the pissed off landlord slowly rising to his feet. The raccoons flipped the couple off before scurrying out the building.

Goku gulped and dropped the tire he was holding above his head. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit indeed! Pack your stuff and leave!" The landlord sneered pointing towards the front door.

"Leave where?" Vegeta furrowed his brows.

"That's not my problem! You two have done nothing but cause problems for our neighbours! From piss condoms, to loud sex to now...what ever the fuck this is?!" He looked around at the cracked walls, smashed objects, vibrators buzzing along the floor by his feet. He stood in awe looking at the mess the couple created, slowly he spun around to just get a good look at the damages they caused. Slowly he took deep breaths whilst mentally counting up to ten, before he even faced the couple who were stood with their shoulders hunched.

"It was the raccoons!" Goku exclaimed before he was nudged in the arm by Vegeta. He rubbed his arm about to have a go at Vegeta, till his attention averted to the pissed off landlord. Never had he seen a face swell and go as red before, vain pulsating at the side of the landlords head. Oh yeah, they've fucked up big time.

"Get your stuff and leave!"

The pair nodded and climbed over the broken objects to get to their room. They quickly threw on some clothes whilst packing as much as they could into bags.

Vegeta sighed seeing Goku on the phone. "Who are you calling at 3 in the fucking morning?!"

"Hi dad....umm...I have a favour to ask..."

"Well fuck my life to oblivion..." Vegeta sighed and massaged his temples as he heard Bardock's laughter from the other end of the phone.

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