Chapter 27

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What the fuck is going on? Naked in bed with his boyfriend and...their manager from work? Clothes strewn across the floor mingled together, heavy pants echoed the room, and that's just by stripping their clothing off. It wasn't easy making sure each person wasn't left out as they groped one another. Making out with his manager, bodies pressed together, their cocks touching whilst Goku sat in a pout.

"Hey! Why you kissing him?!" He huffed pulling Vegeta back whilst glaring at their manager, who does this bastard think he is, kissing his boyfriend like that? I don't think so!

Vegeta raised a brow, he looked at the manager who looked just as confused. "This is what we agreed to?" 

In fact they were suppose to be still at the leaving do. Someone they don't even know, was leaving...hey, free food, they weren't going to turn that down!The manager had been talking to Goku about gay sex as he felt curious, and of course his oh so supportive boyfriend suggested a threesome. Vegeta wasn't going to turn that down when he heard the manager offer a pay rise. Was this wrong? Yes, was he going to suck his managers cock for a pay rise? Fucking right! Back to the bedroom...

"Well yeah, but it looked like you were enjoying it." Goku huffed again at the two men who were staring at him blankly.

Vegeta pinched bridge of his nose as he seen Goku still huffing. "Fuck sake." He grabbed Goku and pulled him in for a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue inside Goku's mouth. Vegeta moaned out as he felt arms from behind palm his cock and stroke it, whilst he was making out with his boyfriend. Their kiss broke off, and Vegeta yelped as he felt Goku tap their managers hands off his cock; he accidentally caught the tip of Vegeta's cock with his tap.

"Stop tossing my boyfriend off when I'm kissing him!" Goku hissed at the manager, how fucking rude can these people get huh? Sitting in bed naked, trying to grope your boyfriend despite setting up a threesome.

"Well what am I suppose to do?" The manager pouted, his cock twitched as he was so aroused watching them make out. Goku simply shrugged and started making out with Vegeta again. He then caught corner of his eye the manager now getting jolly with himself, damn, what an distraction.

"Wait!" Goku pushed Vegeta back and sighed. "I cant, he's now masturbating, it's really hard to kiss you when he's doing that."

Vegeta looked over at their manager who was now frozen holding onto his cock. Vegeta gripped bridge of his nose looking back at Goku. "So we are perfectly clear here...this was your idea."

"Nu-Uh it was mostly his." Goku pointed at the manager who shook his head.

Vegeta leaned in holding Goku's hands ignoring their manager who was once again...making himself happy. "What did you think was going to happen in a threesome?"

Goku shrugged "Spit roast and that's it."

Vegeta looked at Goku speechless, no words formed out his mouth. Their manager facepalmed.

"This was a bad idea." The manager sighed as he was about to climb out of bed.

"Hey! Don't leave, we are doing this!" Goku snapped as he pointed down at the mattress. This is a serious fuck now lads.

Their manager sighed and leaned in towards them both. "Then we all need to do a little foreplay."

Goku sighed "Fine." he pushed their manager onto their back kissing down their body, he growled as Vegeta started to kiss the manager again. damn this jealousy. He kissed down to the pubic area noticing how clean it was not a hair in sight, clearly waxes for how smooth it was. "Oh hey, he's so soft."  Goku giggled to himself  running his fingers over the smooth area, he leaned his head down towards the pubic area. "If I look really hard I probably could see my-" he was cut in as Vegeta grabbed him and started making out, please for the love of god, shut the fuck up.

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