Chapter 30

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Part one

Back at their apartment the pair decided to spice things up in their relationship. Vegeta had Goku tied up on the bed. Oh yes, it's happening now, shits gonna get real kinky right here. Brace yourselves for the ultimate kinky of kinks! A month passed since their awkward stay at the spa, turns out they didn't delete the footage for it was saved else where, what embarrassment. The staff simply thanked them for the laugh and handed them a fruit basket for they felt so sorry about Vegeta's nose. Anyway, back at the apartment Goku looked nervous as he was tied up with a blindfold on, his body shivered slightly due to the cold air touching his naked body.

"Are you sure this a good idea?" Goku winced as he tugged at his wrists.

"Kakarot would I lie to you?" Vegeta smirked looking down at his now helpless boyfriend. Oh, how he was going to have great fun.

"Well there was that one time-"

"We don't talk about that." Vegeta cut in folding his arms, he grinned watching as Goku writhed on the bed. He done a pretty good job tying his boyfriend up, he could feel himself getting hard at just the sight.

Goku tugged at his wrists again. "Does it have to be this tight?"

"I don't know I read it in a book." he shrugged, his mouth drooling at the sight of Goku's cock.

"Are you sure you read it right?" Goku questioned for he was starting to have second doubts on this now. It sounded like a grand idea at the time, but then he realised he had agreed to be tied up, and blind folded, he wasn't really thinking this far ahead.

"Don't patronize me Kakarot." Vegeta scoffed as he walked towards the bedroom door.

"Don't you mean patronise?" he asked so innocently still tugging at his wrists, damn they were hurting, why did they not just use the cuffs? fucking rope? who's bright spark was it to use rope...oh, wait, yep, it was his he thought it be more kinky.

"Just shut up, I'm going to get the whipped cream." Vegeta huffed, who does that bastard think he is? trying to correct him? oh the audacity!

"What do you need the whipped cream for?" Goku asked curiously, he was really feeling the cold, he swore his cock was going to shrivel up inside, his ball sack was already retracting inwards.

"I read it in the book." Vegeta tapped his index on his chin, yeah he definitely read it somewhere amongst some other erotic stuff. He walked into the kitchen and looked through the cupboards, he spotted a gravy sachet from the corner of his eye. He grins as evil intentions rush into his mind. Oh how he was going to get pay back for the melted chocolate incident, he snickered to himself whilst preparing the gravy; haha the bastard is going to get it now.

"Is everything okay in there?!" Goku called out from the bedroom, in an anxious tone.

"Everything's fine." Vegeta kept snickering to himself whilst stirring the gravy, everything is just fine, simply perfect. he's a genius!

"You're taking a long time in there." Goku whined from the bedroom, damn he was getting impatient.

"Just getting the right cream. Don't want to confuse it with the shaving cream." he grinned still stirring the gravy.

"That was one time Vegeta, I said I was sorry." Goku whined again from the bedroom.

"Do you have any idea how bad that tasted?" Vegeta huffed, he pulled a face at such memory.

"I have a rough idea." he replied innocently, oh poor innocent soul has no idea what's about to hit him.

"Then shut up Kakarot!" Vegeta exclaimed whilst looking at his brilliantly stirred gravy, damn, such a shame it was going to waste. All for a good cause though!

"Do you want to get some strawberries?" Goku called out in hope that perhaps Vegeta may change his mind about this not so well thought out plan.

Vegeta rolled his eyes ."I know you ate them all!"

"So you want to call this know if we have to get more." He suggested.

"No, no it's fine we don't need strawberries." Vegeta looked down at the gravy and snickered some more.

"Why do I have to be tied up, why can't it be you?" he whined, he wasn't too good at being dominated.

"Because every time I'm tied up, you always give me a handjob and that's not how it works." Vegeta shook his head recalling that night, he was so eager for some teasing, instead he was left very disappointed with just a handjob. Goku then untied him and well...they fucked but that was besides the point.

"I didn't hear you complain at the time." Goku sounded so pleased with himself.

"Have you heard me ask for more?" he quirked a brow, as he placed the whisk in the sink and looked back at that so perfectly stirred gravy.


"There's your reason." he grinned to himself.

"Are you almost done?" Goku whined again, damn his impatience.

"Yes, I'm on my way over now Kakarot." Vegeta grinned, he snickered as he held the jug of gravy. he had to compose himself as he approached the bedroom towards his now so eager boyfriend.

"Alright Vegeta give it to me." Goku grinned, with his blindfold still on.

"Are you sure?" he quirked a brow as he straddled on top of Goku holding the jug, he slowly tilted it towards Goku's bare chest.

"I've been waiting for it." he writhed slightly as the rope around his wrists were getting a tad unbearable.

"Oh so have I Kakarot." Vegeta responded in a menacing tone.

"That's a funny way to say that Vegetaaaaa." The screams echoed throughout the apartment, birds flew away in flock, babies started crying, car alarms set off, mugging stopped as they heard screams of torture. (Meanwhile back at Bardocks place, he placed down his scotch and looked over at the window and said "I feel a disturbance in the force, like the blackest void has engulfed this planet." Mr Popo looks towards the audience "Hm?")
"Mother fucker!" Goku panted as Vegeta quickly rushed to grab a towel whilst snickering to himself.

"You know what's that for." Vegeta grinned whilst clearing the gravy off his boyfriends chest, he snickered some more seeing the red mark it left.

"I don't know what I did." Goku whined as he tugged at the ropes.

"Yes you do." Vegeta pulled a face, course he does! he helped untie Goku and fought back a laugh seeing the pissed off expression as Goku removed the blind fold.

"It's not the chocolate thing is it?" he furrowed his brows.

"Yes!" Vegeta clapped his hands in a patronising way.

"That happened ages ago...owwww!" Goku whined he looked down at his bare chest, he shoved Vegeta out the way to go to the bathroom.

"Now we are even." Vegeta smirked watching as his boyfriend whimpered heading towards the bathroom.

"Hold grudges much? dick!" he pouted as he entered the bathroom, he soaked a flannel in cold water and held it on his mild burn. He was so pissed now, he looked back at the bathroom mirror and grinned. Oh, he was going to get his pay back, he strolled towards the bedroom grinning back at Vegeta with a mischievous look. Vegeta quirked a brow and smiled nervously, the door closed behind him...oh he was in for a hard pounding.

If you enjoyed this chapter give Bardockthesnarky a follow for helping with this chapter...what's gonna happen in part 2?

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