Chapter 28

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I keep being requested to write bdsm, and truth be told. I think I am cruel to these two enough, now I'm dosed up on meds and well I thought heh, lets just do a short random chapter. As I won't be publishing anything else today, due to being busy. It's random, but something to read. It will be removed once I have published a chapter as it doesn't fit in with this to speak?
Unless you guys think differently.

Why the fuck was he doing this? He looked down at his helpless boyfriend who's wrists were tied together, with a blindfold on.

Goku writhed in frustration, for we were sat here pondering if I was seriously going to write this?

Vegeta sighed tapping his index finger on his mouth looking down at Goku who had no clue what was going on either.

lets just add some more kink to it huh? Fuck, I feel like a virgin writing this. Hold on a sec, I'll just google some ideas. Of course this isn't going down well as the pair already didn't want me to write this. Was superglue, broken cocks, and vomit not enough huh? Alright, *clicks fingers* so yeah, it's been requested for Vegeta to punish Goku because you know, he came early; the audacity and all that jazz.

"It wasn't my fault I-" before I even listen to his excuse. Imma gag him, well not me...

Vegeta huffs, oh he's already annoyed with such request. I mean sure, means he can punish Goku and all, but for's 3am in the morning and I've already disturbed them. "Oh for fuck sake, yeah and how do you suppose I do that? With what?"

Well considering I'm the author, it's already been done.

"What the-" looks at Goku who now has a gag in his mouth.

Alright, soo what else do we do *scrolls through google to get some ideas*

"It's too early for this shit!" Vegeta huffed, he looked down seeing Goku's twitching cock ..."wow hold the fuck up! Are you seriously going to write this?"

It's been requested, sooooo...

"Well, whoever requested it,can go fuck themselves! I'm not doing it!" Vegeta lied, he's totes gonna..."the fuck?! Stop it..." he doesn't know what he's talking about. "Damn right I know what I'm talking about! Don't make me walk out of this fucking book!"

Right, okay...hmm...I guess you just whip him and slap him about the place?


I don't know, There's a whole list of kinky ideas for this bdsm...

Vegeta is now judging me for this, he starts to untie Goku whilst muttering some form of profanities.

What are you doing?!

"Well precisely what you fucking wrote?"

Oh shit, yeah...what are we doing?!

"Not this shit, that's for certain" he removes gag and blindfold from Goku. They both sit down on the bed with a pout on.

This is nothing in comparison to other shit you've done, it'll be fun.

"For who? You or the readers?!" Vegeta glared as Goku nodded his head next to him.

You guys of course!

"Not 3am in the fucking morning! Get to fuck!" He looked at Goku who was totally on my side

"No" Goku sighs shaking his head at me. "I'm not agreeing to this b-d-whatever either."

Your readers though...

"Are just as fucked up as you are?"

Goku's eyes widened as he nudged his boyfriend. "Vegeta, that wasn't very nice!"

Oh, it's fine I'm sure I'll find ways to make him suffer in this book, for I have the power to do so. >:)

"Yeah, you won't be the first and won't be the last." he shudders, he knows the kinky shit we write and read on here. "Fuck you are all horny bastards."

"Mhmm, I even found out that lemons on here doesn't mean the kind you eat. I fell into a rabbit hole that day." Goku scratched back of his head with nervous laughter as Vegeta facepalms.

Anyway, back to this BDSM...

"No!" Vegeta exclaimed because he's a pussy "the fuck you call me?!"

Don't you want to make your readers happy?

"Where's your friend that's been helping you, I'm sure he'd be on our side on this one!" Vegeta pouts folding his arms.

It's not about us who help write this, it's about those who enjoy reading you two being idiots.

"What does that say about you? Considering you're the one writing it?!" He bro fists Goku as they glare over at me.

Bitches, I'm amazing.

"Keep telling yourself that." Vegeta says cos he's jelly "seriously?!"

Goku laughs

Least someone finds me funny.

"Tch, he'd laugh at anything." He looks as Goku dead in the eye. "Flannel."

"What the fuck Vegeta that's so random." He bursts out laughing.

"Anyway, we are going back to bed. You can fuck your BDSM for the time being." Vegeta climbs into bed, Goku climbs in next to you can see I'm not that mean as I write this. Now they cuddle because people love it when they cuddle. "You are still here?!"

Alright, I was just helping you both back to bed! Anything you want to say to your readers?

"You are all perverted bastards!....I like it, keep it going."

You not long judged us...

"Well mostly you for even thinking about writing BDSM, 3am in the morning too! The readers on the other hand...well I like them, keep on shippin with that smut too."

" smut like lemon?" Goku raised a brow and starts to type it in here... "oh god, we should totally read these ones!"

I shall leave the pair to read the stories on here, giving them a break today. ;)

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