Chapter 29

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After the ordeal with their manager, boy, was that an awkward night that they had. The pair decided to use some of their annual leave and take a break away, they had done enough damage to their manager who was still on sick leave. Fuck, who knows if he will recall much of that night or not.  Either way, they doubt they will be seeing any pay rise. Goku had booked a short break away after seeing Vegeta just moping around the place; thinking of that extra pay they weren't getting. There they were sitting in the back of Bardock's car, occasional glances were made. Vegeta sighed looking out the window, why the fuck didn't they just call a taxi?

"Soo, you two horny bastards been up to much..pardon the pun." Bardock glanced at the pair on the rear view mirror.

"Well, Uhh..." Goku smiled nervously, he exchanged looks with Vegeta who gave him that look of don't say anything. "we went to some leavers party."

Bardock raised a brow, he could see Goku's cheeks glowing red as he trailed his eyes towards the window. "Sounds fun."

"Not really, was just some party where we had some food and then were offered a pay rise." Vegeta sulked, that bastard pay rise, how he could do with that pay rise right about now.

"Oh so we didn't miss much then, because that chapter got really confusing." Bardock shrugged as he parked up outside some hotel. He raised his brow recalling it was the place his son took his ex to. He looked over his shoulder at Goku with his raised brow. The fuck would you take your current partner to where you took your ex for?

Goku furrowed his brows at his father as he undone his seat belt. "What?"

"Never mind." He watched as the pair climbed out the car, he then lowered his car window. "Behave you two, try not to have any injuries." He winked at them both as onlookers gave them a funny glance.

Goku shook his head at his father, he watched his dad drive off before looking back at Vegeta who was stood staring at the building.

"What kind of womanly shit have you brought us to?" Vegeta asked whilst tapping his index finger against his chin. Why the fuck would he want a fucking spa day?

"Chichi and I visited here once, was nice-" he yelped as he felt Vegeta grip him by his top.

"Where, where in that head of yours did you think this was a grand idea?" Vegeta shook Goku before shoving him backwards, he folded his arm and pouted.

"Well uh-"

Vegeta waved his hand as Goku. "No, no. It's fine darling. I'd happily go to the place you probably fucked your ex in.. my, I think I can see the sex stains from here!"

"She didn't like sex in public places..." Goku gulped.

"Oh in that case, lets go." Vegeta linked arms with Goku and headed into the building. It's all good, his boyfriend didn't have sex in that building, totally safe to go now, can sleep easy.

Goku was slightly surprised at the change of mood from Vegeta.  The pair checked in to their room, and spent the next hour having a spa treatment before heading into the small room that had a hot tub in it.  Vegeta smirked looking at the tub then back at his lover.Sex in the hot tub? Fuck yeah.  They wasted no time stripping off their bottom half's, both started to kiss each other roughly, tongues fighting for dominance; hands groping each others cocks. It was pretty hot in the room, not that it put Vegeta off.

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