Jack Avery - Stomach Flu

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As Jack ate breakfast, he felt his food coming back up. He swallowed hard and finished eating. His head was pounding, and chills spread across his body. Jack grimaced as he tasted the bitter acid in his mouth. He went to the bathroom and spit into the toilet. Zach.

Zach ran into the bathroom in a panic. Jack never sounded like this unless something was wrong. He found Jack knelt over the toilet moaning. He closed the door. Youre sick? he asked.

I think so. Jack moaned and retched.

Zach rubbed his boyfriends back. I think we should cancel the interview. He muttered, pulling Jacks curls into a bun.

Jack gave a strong heave and a mouthful of puke splashed in the toilet. Zach whispered softly to Jack and nodded. Okay? he asked.

They arrived at the interview and sat in the order of Daniel, Zach and Jack in the front and Corbyn and Jonah in the back. The interview went well for a while, but Jack began to feel more nauseas. Jack took a deep breath. I have a joke. He said.

Zach glanced at his boyfriend and saw that he was shaking. Okay babe? he asked.

Nauseas as hell. Jack muttered.

Is it your face? Corbyn asked.

Daniel laughed, followed by Corbyn and Jonah. Even Zach gave a small laugh, since the joke was funny. Please say sorry Corbyn. Jack muttered.

Im so sorry Jack. Corbyn laughed.

Knock knock. Jack said.

Whos there? Daniel asked.

Jack began to have a sour taste in his mouth and swallowed hard. Corbyn laughed and Jonah followed. Jack ignored them as he felt vomit creep up his throat. He clapped a hand over his mouth and moaned. The interviewers eyes widened. Is he alright? he asked with concern.

Zach put an arm around Jack. Deep breaths man. Youll be alright.

Jonah grabbed a trash can an put it under Jacks chin just as Jack brought up a mouthful of puke. Corbyn rubbed Jacks shoulders. Jack retched and a thick stream of puke splashed into the trash can. Its okay. Just get it up. Zach whispered.

The interviewer handed Jonah a bottle of water. Hell need it after. One of the medics put a rehydration powder in it. He said.

Thanks. Sorry about this. Corbyn said with a sympathetic smile. Maybe when he feels better, we can do the interview.

The interviewer nodded. Of course. He said.

I hope you enjoyed this. It's kind of short but I didn't really know what to write. We'll see what happens next time :)

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