Jonah Marais- Bullied by Why Don't We pt. 1

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This isn't a sicfic but it was requested and I really liked the prompt. This is gonna be pretty long so I'm putting it into two parts. 


Jonah wandered downstairs feeling down. Lately, the boys had become distant from him. He wasn't entirely sure what he'd done. He didn't remember hurting any of them, but all of a sudden it seemed that they were mad at him. Especially Jack. He got to the kitchen and found the boys standing at the counter talking. Gabriella who was also there looked up. "Hi there." 

Jonah smiled. "Hey." 

Zach nodded and went back to talking with Corbyn. Jack and the other boys didn't even acknowledge Jonah's presence. Gabriella sighed and waved Jonah over to join them. Jonah shook his head and went back to his room. He wasn't in the mood to be insulted again. 

Gabriella glared at the boys. "Has he done something to you guys?" she asked. 

Jack shook his head. "No. Why?" 

"You're treating him really bad for someone who hasn't done anything to you," Gabriella sighed. 

Corbyn was about to respond when the baby monitor sounded. "Your turn Jack." 

Jack ran upstairs and into his room. Lavender was in her crib sobbing. Jack picked her up and laid her on the changing table. "Hi baby," he whispered. 

Jack changed Lavender and carried her downstairs. He was met with Gabriella holding a bottle of milk. He took it and gave it to Lavender. "Did I miss anything?" he asked. 

"We were just talking about the interview that's later today," Daniel muttered. "Jonah come here!" 

"Why does he have to be here?" Jack asked. 

"J, you're being really rude," Corbyn said. "I don't know why you hate him so much but you need to get over yourself." 

Jack rolled his eyes and rocked Lavender in his arms. "What happens between Jonah and I is none of your business." 

Jonah ran downstairs. "Yeah what's up?" 

Daniel pointed to an empty spot. "Join us." 

Jonah stood beside Daniel but didn't speak. Daniel sighed. "Jonah, you okay? You seem a little down lately." 

"I'm fine," Jonah muttered and stared at the floor. 

Corbyn nodded. "Alright. Just know we're here if you want to talk." 

A few hours passed and the group went to the interview. Gabriella sat in the lounge with Lavender while the boys went to talk with the interviewer. "Welcome Why Don't We!" he said enthusiastically. 

"Hey man!" the boys said in unison. 

The group took a seat and the interviewer nodded. "This is just going to be a get to know you sort of thing," he said. 

"Let's goooo," Corbyn said enthusiastically.

The interviewer smiled. "Who would be the best daddy?" 

Jack grinned as his mind immediately went to Lavender. Zach pointed at Jack. "Definitely him because he's already a dad." 

Corbyn shrugged. "Jonah would be a great dad," he commented. 

Jonah smiled. "Thanks, Corbs," he muttered. 

Corbyn nodded kindly. "It's true man." 

"Is your kid here today?" the interviewer asked. "I'm sure that the audience would love to see her." 

Jack nodded. "I'll go get her," he said and got up. 

Daniel looked toward the audience. "If you didn't already know, the baby's name is Lavender. She's almost a year old now." 

"Awwww," the audience sighed. 

Jonah turned and saw Gabriella and Lavender following Jack from backstage. The interviewer smiled. After a few minutes of talking about Lavender, the interview continued. "Who's most likely to cry during a movie?" the interviewer asked. 

"Jonah for sure," Zach said with a  grin. 

Jonah was about to comment with a joke when Jack turned towards him. "Yeah, because Jonah's the crybaby of the group," he muttered. 

It wouldn't have been a hurtful comment except for the fact that it had come from Jack who for some reason hated Jonah. Daniel narrowed his eyes. "That's all the questions we feel like answering today he stammered. "We have things to do." 

When they got backstage Daniel approached Jack. "What the hell?" 

"He's getting too close with Gabriella and then it's just some personal stuff that I don't feel like mentioning," Jack muttered. 

"You two better sort this out," Daniel growled. "Obviously we'll protect you but we also need to protect him." 

"But..." Jack stammered. 

"Just go apologize," Daniel sighed and walked away. 

When the group got to the parking lot Jack grabbed Jonah's arm. "Can I talk to you?" 

Jonah shrugged and followed Jack. "What?" 

"You're getting too close to Gabriella. You know that but you keep going," he snarled. 

Jonah sighed. "Jack I can be close with whoever I want. It's not like I'm dating her. I'm just her friend." 

"Don't you dare lie," Jack snarled. 

Jonah threw Jack to the ground. "You're the one who has a problem with me okay? It wasn't her. You've turned the band against me. If she ends up being my friend then you're just going to have to deal with it. Man up." 

Jack narrowed his eyes and got to his feet. "You're going to regret that." 

"Probably not any more than I regret being your friend," Jonah grumbled and went to the car. 

Not too much bullying happened in this part. Anyway sorry for taking so long and I'll try and get part 2 up soon. Requests are open. Stay safe ❤🙏

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