Jack Avery - Pneumonia

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Jack laid on the bed coughing. Daniel had a glass of water in his hand. "You're okay. Please just calm down. There you go. Now drink this." he whispered.

Jack had been sick with a cold for a week. He was getting better, but had a bad cough and was very sleepy lately. Daniel kissed Jack's forehead. "Take a nap. I'll be back up in an hour."

When Jack woke up he felt worse, but didn't want to miss the recording session. Slowly, sat up, a feeling of dizziness hit him. When it passed, he went to the shower.

Daniel grinned at Corbyn. "You know last year was such a blur. We were starting record deals and stuff. Now it's just the norm to always be busy."

Corbyn nodded. "Remember when we were with Logan?" he asked.

Zach and Jonah laughed. "He was crazy." Jonah said.

"More like insane." Zach laughed.

"Daniel! Dani!" Jack yelled.

Daniel leapt to his feet and raced up the stairs. He raced into the bathroom and found Jack on the ground coughing and trying to catch his breath. He knelt down next to his boyfriend. "J? What's wrong?"

Jack looked up and Daniel saw how pale his boyfriend's lips were. "I just wanted to shower." Jack sobbed. "I can't even do that."

Daniel sighed. "I'll help you." he assured the boy.

Daniel helped Jack sit in the tub and turned on the water. Daniel pulled off his shirt and jeans. He locked the bathroom door and helped his boyfriend shower. When they were done, he helped Jack into a black hoodie and sweatpants. Daniel put on his clothes and the two went downstairs.

Zach smiled. "So, both of you are soaking. Clearly you took a bath together." he said.

Jonah raised an eyebrow. "Really?" he asked in amazement.

Daniel pulled on his shoes. "No. Jack felt sick and I helped him shower. That is all."

"That's what they all say." Corbyn teased as he locked the door.

"You're so annoying." Jonah laughed.

The group of kids laughed as they headed to the car. They piled into the car. Corbyn driving and Zach was shotgun. Jack, Jonah, and Daniel were in the back. Jack rested his head against the window. He knew his fever was high but wasn't ready to tell anyone. He moaned and closed his eyes. Corbyn took one glance at Jack and knew things were bad. "Dani, look."

Daniel stared at Jack. "What happened?"

"My head is killing me." Jack mumbled.

When they arrived at the studio, the boys raced each other up the stairs. They got in the studio they stood at their microphones. The manager nodded. "Let's do this."

Daniel's part arrived and he smiled. "I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful. I am drowning, but please don't save me." he sang.

"I'm in too deep. Can't touch the bottom with my feet. Don't know what you did to me..." Zach began before he realized Jack wasn't singing with him. "J?" he asked.

Jack sank to the floor coughing. He coughed again and looked at the floor. There were specks of blood. "Uhhh Dani." he stammered.

Daniel knelt down and looked at the blood. "Jonah. Get me a tissue or something white." he said.

Jonah looked around. "The only thing is my hoodie."

"It's an emergency Jon." Daniel said anxiously.

Jonah looked at his favorite hoodie. "Here." he sighed handing it to Daniel.

Daniel put a corner of the sleeve under Jack's chin. "Cough again." he said gently.

Jack did so and Daniel pulled the hoodie away. "He's coughing up blood."

Corbyn's eyes widened in fear. "We have to get to a hospital."

In the car Jack began to cough again. Corbyn pulled into the parking. He pulled up in front of the emergency parking space. Medics rushed out and put Jack on a stretcher.

The rest of the boys now sat in the waiting room. Anxious to hear the news about Jack, they paced not able to calm down.

"I should've known when he collapsed in the shower. This is my fault." Daniel snapped, punching the wall.

Jonah pulled Daniel close. "No. You can't blame yourself. We thought he was better."

"I'm glad you brought that up." a doctor said, approaching the boys.

"Andrew, how is he?" Zach asked nervously.

"Daniel will need to stay here. He has a severe case of pneumonia. We've got him stable but he's not out of the woods yet. His lungs aren't functioning well and he's still coughing up blood. Once we fix that problem he should be fine." Andrew replied.

"Corbyn took a deep breath. "So can we see him?" he asked.

Andrew nodded and led them to the hospital room. They stepped in and found Jack coughing. Daniel raced to his side. "Oh man. You scared me so bad! I never want to experience that again."

Jack smiled weakly. "I love you." he whispered.

"Love you too." Daniel replied.

I kind of like this one honestly. It's pretty good. Anyway... hope you enjoyed ❤

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