Daniel Seavey - Concussion

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Jonah stood at the stove making lunch, when Daniel and Jack ran in laugh. Zach and Corbyn appeared. "What's with all the excitement?" Jonah asked.

Daniel grinned. "We just came back from the movies. Wish you weren't sick. It was a great movie."

Jonah nodded and turned off the stove. "Sorry. It seems like you'll have to make your own lunch. I don't feel good."

Corbyn felt Jonah's head. "You have a fever. Go lie down."

After lunch Daniel headed out and went skateboarding. He was deep in thought when someone knocked him over. Daniel winced as his head hit the pavement. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." the person said.

Daniel slowly got to his feet. "Don't worry. I'm fine." he lied.

He felt dizzy and nauseas as he picked up his board. "Don't worry. Really, I'm fine."

Zach sat on the couch humming as Corbyn played the guitar. Jack was reading. Jonah was asleep upstairs. "You know, Dani's been gone a long time."

"He's..." Zach began when he heard the door open.

Jack got up and went to the door. He frowned when he saw Daniel. "Dani? Are you okay?"

Daniel doubled over and threw up all over the rug. Jack ran to Daniel and stroked his boyfriend's hair. "You're okay babe. Think you're done?"

Daniel nodded weakly. "I need to lay down." he moaned.

Jack led Daniel upstairs and helped him into the bathroom. After cleaning Daniel's mouth he led the boy to bed. Daniel moaned and put a hand on his head. Jack sighed as he set a trash can next to the bed. "I'm gonna clean up the rug."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could make it." Daniel muttered.

Jack shook his head. "It's okay. Just rest." he told his boyfriend.

Jack went down and spent several minutes cleaning. Jonah walked over. "Ew. What happened?"

"Daniel got sick." Jack replied. "Are you feeling better?"

Jonah nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine now."

Eventually Jack went to bed. At one in the morning he was woken up when the bathroom light turned on. Tired, he rolled over and went back to sleep. When he woke up at three the light was still on. He got up and went into the bathroom. Daniel was on the floor, cheek resting on the toilet seat and was barely conscious. Jack knelt down. "Dani, wake up."

"Mmm?" Daniel groaned.

"Let's get you back to bed." Jack said pulling Daniel to his feet.

The boys laid in bed for a few minutes when Jack finally spoke. "You awake?"

"Yeah." Daniel said.

"What happened? You have no fever. You don't have a stomachache. Why is your stomach so unsettled?" he asked.

"I don't remember what happened." Daniel muttered.

The next morning Jack went downstairs and found Jonah and Corbyn talking. "Good morning."

Daniel arrived downstairs. The boys sat on the couch. Daniel knelt down to get something and hit his head trying to stand up. Everything went fuzzy and he groaned. Corbyn frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Guess I didn't see the table." he mumbled. "I'm gonna lay down."

Zach stood in the kitchen a few hours later. "Go get Dani here for lunch."

Jack went upstairs and shook Daniel. "Wake up."

Daniel didn't move. Jack began to panic. "Wake up! Dani!" he pleaded.

Jack realized that there was blood running out of Daniel's nose. His eyes widened. "Help! Corbs! Jon! Someone! Please."

Jonah and Corbyn burst into the room. "What?" Jonah asked.

Corbyn sighed. "Oh Dani. Z! Call and ambulance."

"Okay!" Zach yelled.

Jack was sobbing in Jonah's arms. "I should've known."

Jonah shook his head. "No. Don't blame yourself."

"The dizziness. Not knowing where he was. Every time he threw up." Jack sobbed.

The ambulance arrived and found the boys. They arrived at the hospital and a few hours later the doctor appeared. "Daniel seems to have hit his head really hard. There was a small fracture in his skull but we fixed it. He'll be fine. We'll keep him a few days."

"Can we see him?" they asked.

"Yes but he's not awake yet. In a few minutes he will be but it'll be a while before he's fully alert." the doctor said.

I hope you enjoyed❤

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