Corbyn Besson- Norovirus

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*Requested* *A little Jorbyn and a little Jarbyn. I really don't know at this point*

Daniel walked into the main area of the tour bus talking to Instagram live. "This is our older tour bus. It's okay but the beds aren't as comfortable. Boys, say hi!" 

Zach looked up from his phone. "Hey!" 

Jonah and Daniel leaned out of their bunks. "Hey Instagram!" 

Corbyn waved as Daniel turned off his phone. "Where's Jack?" Daniel asked.

"Bathroom," Zach replied. 

Corbyn began to feel weird and closed his eyes. Jack walked into the main area of the bus. "Corbyn?" 

"I don't feel good," Corbyn mumbled. 

"You car sick?" Zach asked. 

Corbyn didn't respond as he broke into a cold sweat. He ran a hand through his brown hair and took a deep breath. "Maybe I just need to lie down." 

Zach nodded skeptically as Corbyn went to lay down. Daniel collapsed next to Jonah. "How much longer til we get to a rest stop?" he mumbled. 

"Dude, it's been an hour in the car. We have a lot of time," Jack laughed. 

"I'm with Daniel. I'm tired of being in here already," Zach sighed. 

Jonah rolled his eyes. "You two are so childish." 

A few hours later all the boys were involved in their own things. Jack was on his phone. Jonah was reading as always. Daniel was making beats in the mini studio they had in the back. Zach watching YouTube. Corbyn was still asleep. 

Suddenly Corbyn got up and raced to the small bathroom. Everyone stopped what they were doing and exchanged looks. Jonah rolled his eyes. "Don't everyone get up at once," he muttered and went to the small bathroom. 

Jonah knocked on the bathroom door. "Corbs? You okay, buddy?" 

"No," Corbyn moaned. 

"Wish I could come in but we can't both fit," Jonah sighed. 

After several minutes there was the sound of the toilet flushing and Corbyn walked out. Jonah took Corbyn's arm when he saw how weak the bandmate looked. "Let's get you back to bed." 

Corbyn nodded as Jonah led him back to the beds. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep in his bunk, Jonah had Corbyn sleep in his. "Call if you need anything," Jonah said gently. 

Corbyn nodded as he dozed off. Jonah walked back to where the rest of the band was. "He's just car sick right?" 

Zach nodded. "I think so," he said. 

"You really believe that?" Daniel asked. 

Zach shrugged. "I hope I'm right. We'll see when we stop driving if he still feels that way. That should answer our question." 

Jack nodded. "That would answer the question," he muttered. 

Daniel frowned. "Jack? You okay?" 

Jack shrugged. "Just tired." 

"Please tell me you're not sick too," Jonah sighed. 

Jack shook his head. "Really, I'm just tired," he muttered and went to his own bunk. 

"I swear to God, if Jack is sick," Zach sighed. 

"Hopefully it's only Corbyn," Daniel sighed and went back to making beats. 

A few hours passed and Corbyn woke up in pain. He gritted his teeth trying not to cry out. It finally got to be too much. "Fuck!" 

Jack sat up, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. "Corbyn, what's wrong?" 

Corbyn wrapped his arms around his stomach and groaned. Jack got out of his bunk and approached Corbyn. "Hey, take a breath. You're okay." 

Corbyn tried to breathe when his mouth began to water. He clapped a hand over his mouth. Jack looked around nervously and his eyes widened when he realized there was no trash can anywhere. 

"Dammit," Jack mumbled under his breath. "Corbs, let's get to a bathroom please." 

They barely got to the main area before Corbyn doubled over, his breakfast making an appearance. Jonah jumped to his feet. "John! Pull onto the next exit please." 

Jack quickly dragged Corbyn into the bathroom. John pulled into a rest stop and parked. "There wasn't an exit but this will do," he said. "What's going on back here... oh man." 

Jack helped Corbyn out of the bus and was practically carrying him to the bathroom. Corbyn gave a little moan. "Jack..." he warned. 

Jack opened the bathroom door and barely managed to get Corbyn to the toilet before he threw up. 

Jonah ran a hand through his hair. "Someone help me get this rug outside." 

Zach went to the opposite side and lifted the rug. It took several minutes but they had finally gotten the bus back to normal. 

Jonah wandered into rest stop building and knocked on the bathroom door. "Corbs? Jack?" he called ignoring the fact that people were staring at him. 

Jack unlocked the door. "Hey man. You got the bus cleaned up?" 

Jonah nodded. "Yeah."

"I don't think he was car sick," Jack muttered. 

"Neither do I," Jonah sighed. "I don't know what's wrong though." 

Jonah knelt behind Corbyn. "Hey buddy. You feeling better?" 

"I just want to lay down," Corbyn mumbled sleepily.

The next morning, Corbyn seemed worse. Jonah woke up when he felt Corbyn shivering against him. He quietly pulled out his phone and googled the symptoms. "Boys," he whispered. 

He didn't want to get up and risk waking the sick bandmate up. The boys all poked their heads out of their bunks. "What?" 

"I looked it up. It looks like whatever Corbs has is called norovirus," Jonah replied. "The symptoms match up like for real." 

"Is it serious? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Daniel asked resting his head on the edge of the bunk. 

"No. Just regular stomach medicine can help him. We just have to give it time to leave his system," Jonah answered. 

Jack pushed his hair out of his face. "Did you say norovirus?" 

It was clear the boys wasn't fully awake. Jonah nodded. "Yeah, why?" 

Jack nodded and got up. He went to his bag and dug through it for a few seconds. He came back with a bottle of pepto bismol. "I remember getting it. This was what got me through it." 

"Alright, I'll give him some when he wakes up," Jonah said with a smile. "Thanks." 

I didn't know how to end it but anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you to the person who requested this one. Stay safe everyone. I updated my other book Reality with Why Don't We if you haven't seen it already 💕

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