Daniel Seavey- Brain Damage/Punctured Lung pt. 1

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This is a long one so prepare yourselves cause it's gonna be a ride! 

"Hey! How's everyone doing?" Zach yelled into the mic as he ran across the stage. 

The crowd cheered. "Are you ready for our newest song?" Jonah asked as he got into position. 

"Good evening LA!" Daniel and Corbyn yelled. 

Jack grinned. "Let's go!" 

It was their last concert for a while and they were ready to rest for a few months. 

The next day no one was awake until noon. They decided to go to the park and skateboard and have lunch. Corbyn pulled into a Wendy's drive-thru. After getting their food, they went across the street to the park. After eating the boys went skating. While Zach and Daniel were taking a break on some benches, a guy that Daniel didn't like walked over. "Well look who it is. Seavey and Herron." 

"Go away Eric," Zach muttered. 

"You know what you did, " Eric growled and grabbed Daniel by his shirt collar. "You got me arrested." 

"It was your own fault," Daniel muttered. 

Eric threw Daniel to the ground and began to punch him. Daniel grabbed Eric's neck and punched him back. Zach gasped. "Stop them." 

Jonah ran over and grabbed Eric. "Get off of him." 

Eric shoved Jonah backwards and grabbed Daniel before he could get away. The boys wrestled when suddenly  Eric shoved Daniel towards the benches . Daniel's head hit the edge of the bench. Daniel moaned in pain. Eric wouldn't let up. He instead began hitting Daniel's chest and the side of Daniel's head. Corbyn grabbed Eric and slammed him into the wall. "Get out!" he said through gritted teeth. 

Zach knelt beside. "Daniel," he sighed, noticing the cut on the side of Daniel's head and heard weird breathing patterns. 

Jack paced the area. "Yes sir. He attacked him. He's unresponsive. Yes and unconscious." 

A few minutes later several medics ran over with their stretcher and supplies. "Breathing is shallow," said one medic. 

"Laceration on his temple and what feels like a wound on the back of his neck," the next medic said. 

"Shallow breathing could be caused by a potential broken rib," a third medic said. 

A medic put an oxygen mask over Daniel's face and put him on the stretcher. Zach followed them to the ambulance. 

Daniel's eyes began to open halfway into the ride. A medic looked at him. "Can you hear me?" 

Daniel's eyes closed again and Zach looked at the medic anxiously. They pulled into the hospital and pushed the stretcher through the building. "What have we got?" 

"Twenty-year old male got in a fight. We have a laceration on the side of his head and something on the back of his neck. Possible chest trauma," a medic said. 

"Responsive?" the nurse asked. 

"He regained consciousness but was not responsive and passed out again," the medic explained. 

"So possible brain damage," the nurse said. 

The medic nodded and turned back towards the door. Zach followed the nurses into the accident and emergency section of the hospital. "Can you tell us what exactly happened?" the doctor asked as he put gloves on. 

"This guy beat him up. His head hit a bench and he was punched in the head and chest. I assume the laceration is from the bench," Zach replied. 

The doctor nodded as he pulled another stretcher nearby. "Alright, transfer on my count," he said. "One... two... three." 

The doctors moved Daniel to the new stretcher. "Anderson, return this to the ambulance." 

Anderson left and the main doctor turned to his nurses. "Take his shirt off so we can check his chest. Get some guaze, that cut on his head is still bleeding." 

Daniel's eyes fluttered open and a small groan escaped his lips. Zach turned to him. "He's conscious." 

The doctor walked over. "Hey buddy. Can you hear me?" he asked. 

Daniel stared blankly at the doctor, his blue eyes were extremely dilated. The doctor pulled out a penlight and pointed it at Daniel's eyes. Daniel didn't react. The doctor sighed. "We need a CT scan right now, he's not responding to light." 

Daniel blinked lazily and moaned again. He closed his eyes and the doctor shook his shoulder. "No, stay awake," he said gently. 

Daniel's POV

Everything was fuzzy. Pain. That was all I could feel. My head, my chest, my back. I staredup at the doctor, he looked concerned. "Sir, can you talk?" a second doctor asked. 

I tried to nod, but I couldn't move. I felt myself fading. 

No one's POV

"Nick, turn the machine on," a doctor said. 

"Okay Tim," Nick replied. 

Tim turned to Daniel. "No, wake up. Stay with me." 

Daniel's eyes closed and he was limp again. Tim helped lift the stretcher onto the machine. After a few minutes they noticed different areas of brain damage. 

Tim nodded and moved Daniel. Once again he was waking up. They took him to a room. Tim walked into the hallway down to the waiting room. "Gentlemen, we need to talk." 

Jonah stood up. "Is he okay?" 

"He has severe brain damage. He's in x-ray. We'll have to operate," Tim explained. 

"Well go ahead of course," Jack sighed. 

Zach was crying in Corbyn's arms. Corbyn hugged him. "Everything will be fine." 

"What part of his brain damage?" Zach muttered.

"Lefts side, affecting speech. The part that affects coordination, and breathing," Tim replied. 

Back in the operating room they were getting Daniel ready. Daniel's eyes were huge as they put the mask over him. "Think good thoughts," a doctor said. 

Daniel blinked at him. The surgeon nodded as he watched Daniel go limp. "Alright, let's go." 

Several hours later, the doctor walked to the boys. "We have him in a room. He's very drowsy, but that should wear off soon." 

The boys raced down the hall to Daniel's room. There they found him slightly conscious. Zach ran a hand through Daniel's hair. "Hey babe. Can you hear us?" 

Daniel barely nodded. Zach turned to the others. "That's the most he's been able to do. In the ER he couldn't even nod." 

Jack's eyes widened. "Seriously??" 

Zach nodded as he kissed Daniel's cheek. "You'll be alright Dani." 

"What's that red near his nose?" Corbyn asked. 

"Yeah and his mouth," Jonah said. 

Zach opened Daniel's mouth slightly. "He's choking on blood?" 

Jack pressed the emergency button and two doctors arrived. They quickly began checking Daniel's vitals. Daniel closed his eyes and the heart went flat. 

Hahaha a cliffhanger. Anywas, I hope you enjoyed this. This has been on my mind and I just decided to write it because why not? Stay safe, and I'm reopening requests now that my list isn't as long anymore 💕

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