Daniel Seavey - Night Terrors

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Jack was going in and out of sleep as he laid on Jonah's lap. Daniel was sound asleep on Corbyn's lap. Zach was playing his guitar while Jonah and Corbyn hummed halfheartedly. (Imagine if the boys actually cuddled like this though. That would be so cute) It had been a long day of interviews and everyone was exhausted. Corbyn looked up from his book. "I wonder what Jupiter's storm looks like up close."

Zach was about to respond when a moan came from Daniel.

Corbyn glanced down at Daniel. "You okay?" he asked nudging the boy.

"Stop! You're hurting me!" Daniel mumbled. "Please stop."

"Dani you're okay. It's just a bad dream. It's a nightmare." Corbyn whispered.

Daniel sat up in a panic and looked around. Corbyn rubbed his back soothingly. "It was just a nightmare.

Daniel ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "Okay."

That night, while everyone was in bed, Daniel began to get another night terror. He started crying, waking up Corbyn.

Corbyn sat up. "Dani, wake up."

Daniel didn't move from his sleep. That scared Corbyn. He shook the boy. Daniel didn't respond. After several minutes he sat up wide-eyed. "What happened?" he stammered.

"It was a dream. Just calm down. You're okay." Corbyn assured Daniel.

Daniel ran a hand through his hair. "I used to get these when I was little. It seems they came back."

"I'm here for you. Don't worry." Corbyn whispered.

I had writer's block... so yeah

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