Corbyn Besson and Zach Herron- Car Crash pt 2

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A doctor stood over Zach examining the damage to his lungs. "Matt, I need to set these ribs then we have to search for possible internal bleeding."

Matt nodded from where he was working on Corbyn's punctured lung. "Here are the x-rays," he said.

After an hour a doctor approached the waiting room. "Zach Herron?"

Jonah stood up. "How are they?"

"Zach has been moved into his room. He'll be fine once he wakes up. Maybe a little sore."

"What about Corbyn?" Daniel asked as he thought about bad Corbyn's injuries looked.

"He's still in surgery. We had complications," the doctor explained.

"What kind of complications?" Jack asked.

"After we fixed his lung and ribs we noticed some serious bruising on his stomach. When we looked into it, we noticed internal bleeding. Then it appears he has a small skull fracture," the doctor muttered.

"Will he be alright?" Jack asked.

"After this last surgery he will be," the doctor said. "You can see Zach."

The boys raced down the hall to where Zach was. "Oh Z," Jack sighed.

Jonah ran a hand through Zach's hair. "Poor thing."

"Let's just hope Corbs does as well as Zach seems to be," Daniel sighed.

After an hour the boys had all dozed off in different chairs. Zach moaned as he began to wake up. Where am I? Car accident. Drunk driver. Corbyn through the windshield. He thought to himself. "Corbyn!" Zach gasped.

Jonah woke up and hurried to the bedside. "Don't try and move. Corbyn is gonna be fine."

"Where is he?" Zach asked.

The boys exchanged glances. "He's in surgery but they should have him out soon."

As if on cue, the doctor walked in with the stretcher and but Corbyn in the bed next to Zach. Corbyn moaned but didn't wake up. Jonah raised an eyebrow. "Is he alright?"

"He will be. He's waking up," the doctor said. "How are you doing Zach?"

"My chest hurts really bad. Its..." Zach murmured and went limp.

Daniel looked at the doctor. "What?"

The doctor ran a hand gently along Zach's chest. Not feeling anything unusual, he pulled out a penlight and looked into Zach's eyes. "It looks like he just passed out."

Corbyn's eyes fluttered open and he gave a small moan. Jack walked over to him. "How are you feeling buddy?"

"My head hurts," Corbyn murmured in a barely audible voice.

"I bet it does," Jonah whispered. "But at least you're okay."

"How's Zach?" Corbyn asked.

"He's alright. He'll be awake soon," Daniel replied.

A few weeks later Zach and Corbyn were able to go home. They would still have to wait a while to be able to perform concerts.

I hope you enjoyed this part. I enjoyed writing it. I'm working on a lot of requests so any new ones won't be looked at for a while. Anyways, love you guys 💖

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