Part 2: the new  Gryffindor (pt 2)

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After the train you found your way to the castle. Dumbledore was waiting by the side door you entered.

"Awe miss. L/n, it's lovely to finally meet you." He smiled at you, and you returned it. "I'm going to let you be sorted in my office, I would assume a third year wouldn't want to be placed with a lot of first years" you gave him a thankful smile, as he walked you to his office.

"Please sit." He gestured towards a small wooden stool.

You took your seat and watched the professor take an old hat off a shelf.

"This is the sorting hat, as I'm sure you already know we have Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Your house will be your family of sorts while you're here l/n." He took a step closer, carrying the hat with him. "Are you ready?"

You smiled brightly, excited to finally be part of a large school. "I think I may have been born ready." He chuckled at your comment, and placed the hat on top of your head.

It was quite large, it slipped over your ears, and stopped right above your eyes.

"Interesting, I don't get to see many Irish children. And a third year at that!" The hat spoke. "You've got talent, I can see that, and a kind heart, yet it also holds so much mischief. You're quiet clever, a book worm of sorts. But you were brave enough to come to a significantly different school, far far away from home....." it paused before it yelled "Gryffindor!"

The hat was taken off of your head, and you could see Dumbledore reach into a drawer in his desk, pull out a red and yellow scarf.

"I do believe you may want this, to hopefully get you into the Gryffindor spirit." He gave you a friendly smile and you wrapped it around your neck loosely, allowing it to stick out from the robe you had changed into back on the train.

"Thank you professor!" You gave him a tight hug and he laughed.

"Alright, alright." You pulled away from him as he spoke. "You should head to the dining hall, the rest of the student should be there by now, waiting for the first years."

You waved as you walked down the staircase of his office.

Then you remembered. You had no idea where you were, no map, and you had certainly never actually wandered the halls before.

You caught the attention of a teacher, he was wearing a strange turbon, but you weren't about to judge someone just in what they wear.

"Umm, excuse me sir." You tapped his shoulder gently, and he jumped before calming down realizing you were just a student. "Can you give me directions to the dining hall?" You asked quietly as to not startle him again.

"Oh c-course." He started pointing down the hall. "T-take a l-left up there. T-then a quick r-right, and y-y-you'll see the r-rather l-large doors." He eventually finished.

"Thank you sir." You gave him a smile and did as he said. Eventually finding the large doors and walking in.

The room was filled with students and teachers, you spotted Dumbledore up front and you could make out him wink at you.

'How on earth did he get here before me?' You thought to yourself looking around.

"OI Y/N!" You heard a shout and looked to see the twins standing waving their arms at you.

You sat down across from them.

"You made Gryffindor!" George shouted.

"Hey George, maybe not so loud ae?" You raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a small smirk.

"Hey! He's not George I am!" Fred shouted.

"You most certainly are not." You said at Fred who looked shocked.

George tried to pull it off. "Yeah, I'm Fred l/n."

"You must think I'm completely dim witted because I can tell you apart completely." You poked your right pointer finger in the center of George's chest. "YOU are George." Then you poked Fred in the same place "and YOU are Fred."

You sat back with confidence as the twins looked at each other dumbfounded.

"That certainly is impressive, I'm Percy, and you are?" Another ginger boy sat next to you extending his hand.

"Y/n l/n, nice to meet ya Percy." You shook his hand and gave him a wide smile, which made his cheeks turn slightly pink.

You looked between the twins and Percy. When you shook hands with Percy his energy felt similar to Fred And George. Not exactly the same, no not at all. But the underlying feel of his soul was the same. They have the same parents.

Fred and George were snickering at their older brothers embarrassment. You could hear it. But not with your ears. You felt their laughter in your very soul.

You were different in that way. You could feel the energy of people's souls if you concentrated hard enough.

On the outside they just stared wide eyed at Percy.

"Hey Percy, don't you have friends your own age?" George said gestureing towards a group of older students a few feet away.

"It was nice meeting you y/n. I hope to see you again." He said and stood to leave.

"Your brother is quiet odd." You said turning back to the twins.

"Was it the hair that gave it away?" Fred asked.

"Not exactly, although I don't see a whole lot of gingers around here." You giggled as the first years walked in.

You watched, utterly fascinated by everything.

"Ronald Weasley!" The teacher called. The twins looked nervous.

"Another brother?" I whispered to them.

"Yeah." They said back in unison.

" Gryffindor!" The hat yelled and the twins stood up and cheered.

A few other students went up. Then his name was called. "Harry Potter." You knew the name, of course you did. But you couldn't wait to meet him none the less.

But not because he was "the boy who lived" but because your parents were friends back in the day.

Your father spoke amazingly of James Potter. And you couldn't wait to see what his son was like.

And soon enough he joined Ronald at the table.

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