Part 15: The Hospital Wing and taking flight

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It was getting busier in the hospital wing. So you started going back during nights to help again. Using any time you spent not actively helping people to continue studying defense against the dark arts.

Snape was excellent at teaching the subject, however you thought it could simply be because you were the only student he had to worry about. But he certainly did know how to make it interesting, complete opposite of Lockheart.

The second year students, luckily, were growing Mandrakes. The most important ingredient in potions to un paralyze everyone. And Madam Pompfrey had asked you to help with the potions, because you were excellent in potions class and your family had a history of being excellent in the craft as well.

George had asked if he could help, so he was running between the hospital wing and the greenhouse bringing proper ingredients and supplies needed.

It was incredibly late, or early depending on your view of things when people finally started waking up.

Everyone was finally awake when George picked you up, spinning you through the air.

"YOU DID IT!" He cheered.

"Oh come on you helped!" You teased.

Not even an hour had passed since the last person, Hermione, woke up when Harry came bursting through the door. Ginny, Ron and Lockheart behind him.

You went to Harry first, George to Ginny and Ron.

"MADAM POMPFREY!" You shouted leading Harry to a bed.

The older woman came out, seeing that you and George were taking care of everyone else, she went to Lockheart.

"Harry, what on earth happened?"

Time skip

Ginny told you everything about the Chamber if Secrets, and pretty soon you had the three younger students patched up.

"Excuse me miss." You heard that unpleasantly familiar voice. "Could i please get a glass of water?"

"Uh, yeah." You said slowly, eyeing George to keep an eye on him.

You got a glass of water and handed it to the professor.

"You're more lovely than the other nurse." He smiled at you, but not the creepy and unnerving smile he usually did. It was almost childish.

Ron pulled you aside. "He lost his memory y/n. He can't remember a thing."

George came up, wrapping his arm protectively around your waist.

"Oh are you two married? You do seem like it." All of you turning now to see Lockheart sitting on the edge of his bed watching all of you with a child's curiosity.

"Umm?" I started.

"All of you out! I'll handle this." Pompfrey came in and shooed everyone out.

"Well that was odd." George spoke up as you all entered the hall, on your way back to the common room.

"Oddly refreshing you mean." You joked.

Time skip: train ride back home

"I've got something to show you two!" You said excitedly closing the door to the train car.

They sat across from each other, while you took a seat on the ground, leaning against the door, and pulling out a small metallic ball from your jean pocket.

"What's that?" Feed raises an eyebrow.

You tossed it to him. "Three, two, one." It sent a shock through his hand, causing his hair to stick up in different directions.

The rest of the train ride the three of you spent time talking about different prank products, and summer plans.

"Mums takin us to Egypt." George spoke.

"Well that'll be fantastic! I'm sure you'll all have loads of fun." You smiled brightly at their excitement for their trip.

"What are you doin l/n?" Fred asked.

"My father has gotten me a personal trainer. She specializes in teaching people who's Animagus is capable of flying. You both saw how it turned out when I tried without any sort of help. You chuckled remembering the feat.

George started to tickle your sides. "Yeah, you damn near scared me to death!"

Time skip

Back home at last, Mason would be in town for your training. Mainly for moral support but it was still nice.

You stood in a large field with Tory McLoid and Mason.

Tory, could turn into a Raven, and spent a good amount of time teaching other winged Animagus how to fly. And now it was your turn to learn.

"First. I need to know exactly what I'm dealing with. Your parents refused to tell me what you transform into, something about how I may refuse to help." Her German accent thick through the warm air. "Now, please do as you normally would to change."

You sent a smirk towards Mason, your parents had told you that they didn't tell him what you turned into. Said they wanted it to be a surprise for him.

Without anymore hesitation you transformed into your Griffin self. Letting out a earth shaking roar for the simply pleasure of impressing your older brother.

"Well now I know why they wouldn't tell me." Tory smirked. "But I'm not one to turn down a challenge.

Time skip

For the entire summer you spent four hours a day training. It only really took about two weeks to fully learn and be able to fly with no problems. But the rest of the summer was spent learning how to dodge and weave, pick creatures and people without hurting them at all, and catching even small targets.

By the very end of the summer you were an expert in all things flying. You had also takin to getting up before the sun rose every morning to go flying, to stretch your wings and get some good exercise in.

"You're packages have made it to the Weasleys ma'am, along with your luggage." A house elf came up to you as you made yourself a cup of tea.

After the whole incident with Lockheart in the bookstore last year you asked a few of your house elf's to get all the school supplies. And they were happy to help, even delivering the Weasleys supplies to them at the Leaky Cauldron.

"Thank you." You smiled at the two elf's that had helped you. "Take the rest of the day off. You both really deserve it."

"Thank you ma'am, but would you like us to take you to the Leaky Cauldron first?" One of them asked.

"No, Masons given me an invisibility potion so I'll be flying to London." True it would be a long flight, but there was no better feeling than flying through the clouds and the view of cities from above would be truly beautiful. And it would only really take just over an hour. You had been preparing the past few weeks by flying two hours each morning, plus the four you spent in training.

"We'll see you at the station sweet heart!" Your mom hugged you tightly. "Enjoy the last few days with George."

You smiled and hugged your parents goodbye before heading down the front steps of your family manor.

Mason came up with a small vial in hand. "This will keep you unseen for ten hours." He smirked handing it to you. "And this one will immediately reverse the effects." He handed you about her small vial.

You stood on your toes to hug him. "Thanks for bein there for me this summer Mason."

"I wouldn't be the best brother in the whole damn world if I didn't." He whispered into your hair. "Now you better get going. The sooner ya leave the more time you can spend with that boyfriend of yours." He winked as the two of let go of the embrace.

You tucked your wand into your pocket and secured the reversal potion in your other pocket, and downed the other, turning completely see through in a matter of seconds.

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