Part 11: Diagon alley pt.2

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The next morning came and all that was left was a wand for Ginny, well, and Molly wanted to get all of Professor Lockhearts books signed, so she would be taking Ginny, Harry, and Ron with her.

But Fred and George took you on your own little adventure.

Molly decided to let you and the twins go first with the Flu powder, and as soon as you were through George grabbed your hand and you were off running.

They led you down a few busy streets until you came to one that was disturbingly empty.

"See the building on the far corner?" George spoke in a low tone.

"That's where we're gonna put a joke shop some day!" Fred beamed.

You couldn't help but smile as the three of you made your way to the building at a normal walking pace now.

You could completely picture the shop, instead of broken down bricks, and shattered windows, a beautiful, brightly colored shop. Filled from lobby all the way up with candies and sweets, and different jokes of sorts.

"Wanna go in?" George squeezed your hand as he asked.

"Isn't the door locked?" You raised your eyebrow in suspicion.

"Not after me and Fred busted the lock a few years back." George joked.

You laughed and reached for the handle, and to your surprise, it simply pushed open.

George led you inside, with Fred close behind.

The floors were coated in dust, and all the old broken down shelves held even more dusty trinkets. Each one completely broken in some way shape or form.

After you spotted a staircase you took off running, letting go of George's hand in the process.

"Catch me if ya can!" You hollered running up the old steps.

You could hear them close behind, but you kept running. That was until you came across a small room, the large window on the far wall shattered, with bits of jagged glass still stuck to the frame.

It made you stop, and take it all in. You could see children the next block over, excited and ready for the new school year.

You could picture this room as George's office, sitting in here with him while he procrastinated doing paperwork. It almost felt real. Like you could see the window back in place, bright lights decorating the outside of the shop gently illuminating the inside of the office. You could almost hear the complaints of a small ginger haired boy in the corner, begging his parents to go out and play with his friends. Who would most certainly be Fred's own children some day.

It all felt so real, like you could hear yourself telling the small boy to be back before dark.

But it wasn't real. At least not yet, and it brought tears to your eyes.

"Found ya!" You heard George come in behind you. "Hey." He noticed the tears. "What's wrong?"

You turned to him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. "It's perfect." You whispered.

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