Part 14: Holidays and Creeps

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You knocked on the door, with your bag slung across your shoulder, containing all the gifts you had gotten for everyone back at Hogsmead. You figured you would simply mail the Weasleys theirs, but now at least you could give it to them yourself.

"Y/N!" A very cheery Molly opened the door and greeted you with a hug. "How did the spell go?! George as been worried sick."

"It went perfectly Molly." You chuckled into the hug.

"Is that y/n?" Arthur came up behind her. "Well let her in then." He also sounded quiet cheery.

They led you into the kitchen where everyone sat eating lunch, George immediately stood up and gave you a hug. "Oh I'm so glad you're all right!"

You sat to join them for lunch, surprisingly you hadn't noticed just how hungry you were until now. But of course you were hungry, you had been passed out for twelve hours and transforming so much really took it out of you, at least for the first few times before you really got the hang of it.

"So." Percy started. "I assume the transformation went well." He spoke looking at you from across the table.

"It really did." You smiled brightly. "Surprisingly."

"Well. Don't leave us hanging on by a thread. What do you turn into?" Molly asked rather loudly.

"I'll show ya after lunch." You chuckled.

"Why not do it now?" Ron asked.

"Because I quiet like your home Ronald, I don't want to ruin it." Laughing, you all continued to eat.

Time skip

The Weasleys stood in the yard, several feet away like you asked, as you closed your eyes and focused on transforming.

You felt the change. And unlike the very first time, it actually felt quiet good, like stretching after a long nap.

Standing in your new form you looked at your second family, all of whom stood with their mouths slightly agape.

George was the first to step forward, standing in front of you, slowly reaching his hand out and placing it on your feathered cheek, and leaning his forehead on yours.

With your foreheads together you could feel his soul more clearly than ever. Emanating from his soul was the feeling of pride and love. So you transformed back into your usual self, dropping to the soft grass.

Time skip

You had noticed that Ginny was being incredibly quiet, but every time you asked her if she was okay should would just snap at you and rush off to her her room. You tried asked Molly about it, but she just said it was just her growing up. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She wouldn't even let you touch her, you wanted to see if her soul was okay, but she would simply run back to her room.

Time skip

Christmas came and went far too quickly, and eventually you were back on the train and once again back at Hogwarts.

The night you got back you kept getting strange looks from everyone, you knew why, word speeds quickly through a school like this. Especially when you have teachers like Lockheart telling all his classes one of his favorite students became an Animagus.

Sitting at dinner was awkward, you kept looking up seeing Lockheart watching your every move.

Time skip next day

Walking into potions was refreshing. You enjoyed potions, and even though Snape didn't forget about the exploding parchment, he still for some reason liked you. Although you figured it was because you were actually good at potions, and almost never made a mistake, and when you did, you learned quickly how to fix it.

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