Part 6: Hospital Wing With Ron

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The end of the year was nearing, all big tests already done, so the hospital wing was mostly silent.

You sat alone in the hospital wing, making sure one of the seventh years was recovering properly after some regular old food poisoning, simply reading a book your brother had sent you.

'One of the guys on the team thought ya might like it.' Was written in the front cover. It made you laugh a bit when you first got it. The fact that Mason spoke about you so much that his teammates would have an idea as to what books you might like, it was comical to say the least.

"Y/N!" The door burst open to Hermione holding Ron up as she ran in. Quickly you got up to help her, taking Ron over to an empty bed.

"What happened?" You asked as you hovered your wand over him, each injury glowing bright blue under his skin, mostly a broken arm, with some internal bleeding as well.

"In the dungeon! We had to play life sized chess in order to make it past. Ron saved us." Her eyes were full of worry and you could feel her anxiety and adrenaline coursing through her without even touching her.

"Go get Percy and the twins. They should be here for him." You spoke in a calm voice, trying to help with her nerves.

She nodded and quickly ran off.

"Alright Ron. Let's get ya all better." You spoke to his unconscious body.

Time passed as you quickly put together a potion that would heal his broken arm. It would take a bit longer than usual, but it would make the heal more straight.

You worked slowly with your wand over his abdomen, blue light shining from within showing you the correct areas to heal.

The doors once again opened to Hermione and the other Weasley boys.

You didn't even look up, you were too concentrated on your work.

"Thank god!" Percy tried to hug you as you worked but George pried him off of you.

"She's trying to save our brothers life you utter moron can't you see that?!" George snapped at his older brother. "Don't touch her when she's doing such a precise job!"

"You will not speak to me that way! I'm head bo...." he was cut off by Rins voice as he started to wake up.

"Don't be a dick Percy." He mumbled as you finished up the last of your work.

Eventually Dumbledore came in and ushered out everyone except Ron and Hermione.

"You did amazing work y/n I'm truly impressed." Percy spoke.

Fred grabbed his shoulder as George took your hand in his and kept walking you back to the common room. The two of you could just barely hear Fred whisper into Percys ear.

"WITH HIM?!" Percy shouted at Fred as George laughed, holding your hand tighter.

" I may have forgot to tell Percy we were together. He's got a pretty big crush on you." That news made you stop. You laughed, eventually having to stop and hold your stomach.

Soon you calmed yourself down, straightened your robes and went to give Percy a kiss on the cheek. His energy was a mix of embarrassment and admiration. You felt it. He liked you because he admired you. "Thank you Percy. I really did try." You smiled at his bright pink cheeks and went back to George, taking his hand in your own once more and walking back to the common room.

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