Part 13: Animagus

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(A/N I know not all the facts about becoming an Animagus in this story are canon to the books, but I decided it went with the flow so sorry not sorry.)

Winter was among us, as everyone was fearing the unseen evil going through the school petrifying people in the halls, you simply tried your best to ignore it. Finding that studying something you one day hoped to achieve could keep your mind off of it.

A few days before now you had gone to Hogsmead with Fred and George, and found a rather peculiar book, about the process on how to become an Animagus. You found it strange how simple yet oddly complex the spell actually was.

You had read through the book several times, finding out that the animal you would transform into was also your Petronas. You had never performed the petronas charm so you had no idea what animal you would turn into, the idea both fascinated and terrified you.

You had kept your studies of becoming an Animagus a complete secret from everyone except the twins and Hermione. And now that winter was here you had more time to study than ever.

Time skip

Sitting at breakfast again you saw a familiar Macaw fly through the windows with the owls, dropping a plain envelope with nothing but your name in front of you.

"Who's is from?" Fred leaned across the table, mouth full of food trying to read it.

"No idea." You shrugged tearing open the top.

Dear y/n l/n

We are aware of your efforts to become an Animagus and you will be happy to know that we would like to aid in your efforts to make it both legal in your home country of Ireland, and in the country of your schooling.

We have sent a letter to your parents as well as Dumbledore, letting them know the situation. Over the winter break you will spend time at the Ministry of Magic in London to complete the spell and become licensed. True we don't usually allow underaged witches and wizards to perform the spell, but this is a special occasion.

Tomorrow we shall send someone to come get you, pack a bag for one night and be ready to perform the spell. Be sure to have your wand on hand. We truly are excited to know that a student of your talents is attempting such a feat.

~Sincerely The Minister of Magic.

Your jaw dropped as your read the letter.

"What's it say?" You had gotten Hermione's attention. So you handed over the letter in silence.

After she finished, the letter went around your friend group, up until now only you the twins and Hermione had known about your plans. But now the whole table was buzzing with chatter about it.

"Are you really gonna do it?" Percy asked coming to sit across from you. "It could kill you."

"Well I mean I was gonna wait until after my seventh year, but I guess the ministry had other plans." You softly chuckled, still not fully believing if the letter.

You glanced up at Dumbledore, who gave you a soft smile and a wink.

'How on Earth does that man know everything?' You thought.

Time skip

You woke up early the next day, suddenly terrified that you would be performing such a dangerous spell in just a few short hours. Yesterday the Weasleys had gone back home to spend the holiday with their family. George was more worried than anybody, and you told him you would send him a letter as soon as everything was done. But you could still feel his fear the last time the two of you hugged before he had to leave.

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