Part 16: Helping Hagrid

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Mason watched as you turned invisible, and you gave him one last unseen hug before turning and starting the flight to London.

The ocean stretched for miles, giving you an incredibly peaceful scene before finally coming above bright and busy cities, buzzing with muggles all in a hurry. You spotted the address where you had to land, and circled the area for a proper spot. After a few minutes you decided the roof would probably be best.

Landing on the roof you changed back, and climbed down through the hatch that gave access to the main room and wondered through the small building until you found the main gathering point where everyone sat talking.

You walked behind Ron first, who sat across the twins, and ruffled his hair, earning a small yelp of surprise. The wins started laughing as you snuck up behind Fred and grabbed his shoulders. Then you moved to George, tickling his sides earning a few strange looks from other people in the room.

You stood back and downed the other potion, and within seconds were were seen again.

"Bloody Hell y/n." Ron spoke. "I thought a house elf was bringing you."

You chuckled, taking the empty seat by George. "Yeah, I decided a while ago I would fly here. Mason gave me an invisibility potion so I wouldn't be spotted by any muggles."

He pulled you into a side hug. "Well I'm glad you made here."

Snuggling into his side Ron pulled out a stack of photos. "Wanna see our Egypt trip?!" He asked excitedly.

Time skip

Hogwarts really felt like home now. Especially now, sitting at the first dinner after all the first years got sorted. It was amazing.

"Uhh, y/n." You turned to see Hagrid standing behind you. "Can I ask a favor of yer?"

"Of course Hagrid. What is it?" You asked, taking another sip of pumpkin juice.

He glanced at Harry and Ron who were seated across from you and the twins. "Can I talk to ye in the hallway?"

You got up and followed him out of the great hall.

"What's going in Hagrid?"

"Well as ye heard I'm teachin a class now. All about magical creatures. And I've got a plan for tomorrow's lesson."

"Alright. So what do you need me for?"

"Well tomorrow I'm showin the third years a hippogriff. I was wonderin if you could be there to help." He shifted his feet in a slightly nervous manor. "Since ye know, Griffins and Hippogriffs are known for being calm around one another. I was hoping he would be a bit more well behaved if a Griffin was around."

"I would love to! What time should I be there?"

He seemed relieved by your answer. "Well it's the first class of the day. I'd appreciate it if ya could get there a bit before breakfast so he can get used to ya. I'll have some food for ye so ya don't go starvin."

"Well I will see you first thing in the morning then." You gave him a bright smile before going back into dinner.

"What was all that about?" George asked between bites of food.

"I'm helpin Hagrid in the mornin. So I won't be at breakfast."

That caught Ron attention. "What are you helping Hagrid with?"

You smirked. "Well you'll just have to wait and see."

Time skip

You got up early, deciding on not wearing your robes. So you put on a pair of jeans and a plain grey sweater before making your way down to Hagrids hut.

"Morning Hagrid!" You called as you saw him in his pumpkin patch.

"Good mornin y/n!" He called back. "Come meet Buck Beak!"

The closer you got the more of the beautiful creature you saw. You had read about them back in Ireland, so you had a basic idea of how to approach them. But with the knowledgethat Hippogriffs and Griffins naturally calm down around one another you turned.

Now a Griffin you slowly made your way closer. Bowing your head. He bowed back so you got closer. Allowing him to become more comfortable around you.

"Brilliant y/n!" Hagrid cheered, tossing a career to Buck Beak. "How about some breakfast?"

You nodded and walked a few paces back before returning to normal.

Time skip

You stood against a tree while waiting for Hagrid to return with the third years. Reading the potions book you would be using this year you waited.

After a little bit of time you finally heard them coming.

Eventually you saw them coming, noticing one of the boys didn't stroke the spine of the book you went to help.

"There ya go." You said as you calmed the book and even turned it to the page he would need.

"Uh, thanks." He scurried off back towards the group.

Hagrid began the lesson shortly after he rejoined the group.

"This, is Buck Beak! Ain't he beautiful!" He started. "And Miss. l/n will be helpin me out today. Griffins are known to have a calming effect on Hippogriffs so she's agreed to help with today's lesson."

You walked through the crowd, glaring at the boy you knew as Malfoy. You didn't appreciate the way he tried to scare Harry.

"Y/n, if you would."

You nodded and turned. There were a few gasps from the students who hadn't seen you do this before.

Bowing before you got closer he bowed back.

You stayed decently close, and it really did have a calming effect.

Time skip

Harry did amazing in riding Buck Beak, but you saw the trouble brewing when Malfoy stepped forward.

"You aren't harmful at all are you?"

He was ignoring the protocol. And Buck Beak went in for the attack. You jumped in front of the third year, quickly turning back into your normal self with your arms out to shield him from the blast.

Buck Beaks talons cut deeply into your arm, but the younger boy was safe. Even if he was a prick all the time, it you were glad he wasn't hurt.

"My father will hear about this!" He shouted.

You looked at your arm, turning to Ron as calmly as you could. "Get my bag please."

He rushed your bag closer to you. You pulled out a regular muggle knife and flipped it open, cutting the sleeve of the sweater off a few inches above the three deep gashes.

You found everything you needed, and the class watched as you poured a numbing potion onto the gashes.

Hagrid took care of Buck Beak while Ron stood by ready to hand you anything you needed.

"Find the sewing kit. It should be in a small pocket lining the inside wall of my bag." He found it quickly, and the whole class watched as you sewed up the wounds.

"Y/n, you need to go to the hospital wing." Hermione spoke as soon as you finished cleaning the stitches.

"I'll be alright Mione. It'll heal quickly. But I'll have someone look at it tonight."

She nodded slightly as Ron and Harry helped you off the ground.

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