Part 12: Defense against the dark arts

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(A/N so just so you know going forward the relationship between you and Gilderoy Lockheart gets weird and uncomfortable. But he does get what's coming to him, so power through the weird stuff to get to the satisfaction. Hope you're enjoying the story! Love ya!


You were pleasantly surprised that you had all your classes with the twins. But a smug look from Dumbledore as you got your schedule told you it wasn't a coincidence.

Third period came far too soon, defense against the dark arts, at least you had Fred and George with you, but you still felt creeped out by the man teaching it.

You found seat as you did with all your other classes, Fred and George next to each other, you next to George, and usually someone else on your right. The room was void of a teacher, confusing you.

Class started, and the teacher still hadn't been seen. That was until a small firework went off in front of the door to his office at the top of a small staircase. As the smoke cleared he stood in front of the now open door, a cape around his shoulders.

"Bloody idiot." You mumbled under your breath.

Girls swooned as he came down the stairs, while the boys just rolled their eyes.

"You don't like him like the other girls do you?" George leaned in and whispered into your ear.

"Definitely not. He's a creep." You whispered back, his hand gripped yours under the table and you could feel the relief pass through him.

"I am the amazing Gilderoy Lockheart!" He shouted making eye contact with you and winking. Rolling your eyes you gripped George's hand tighter. "And you have the pleasure of me teaching you defense against the dark arts! I do hope you all have the books you need." He walked past your table, picking up one of the books from in front of you. "And if you ask nicely maybe I'll sign them for you, like Miss. l/n here."

Alright, you had enough of his cocky tone. Standing up from your seat and snatching your book back from his grasp before he could write in the front cover. "Don't touch my books professor, I'm very protective of my literature." You said in a harsh tone. "Even if it was written my a blubbering moron." The words dripped from your tongue like venom as you took your seat again, grabbing a hold of George's hand once more under the table.

Lockheart looked genuinely shocked by your words, and you could feel the embarrassment radiating off of him without even having contact.

Glancing around the room the girls all looked like they could rip your head off, while all the guys had a look of respect in their eyes.

"Well!" Lockheart clapped. "Why don't we get started with today's lesson?" He walked to the front of the room, pulling off a sheet from a cage.

Inside held a lot of weirdly still Cornish Pixies.

You had read about them over the summer, as a matter of fact you almost only read about magical creatures over the summer, a subject you genuinely enjoyed learning about.

But you knew that Cornish Pixies, even when bred in captivity, had extremely bad tempers. And when caged, especially in a small cage all cramped together like that, they would be fighting to get out.

"Cornish Pixies!" The teacher yelled as he held up the cage. Even when moved, they were strangely still. "Usually quiet tricky to handle, however don't fret! I put a spell on them so they can't move for a while. Would anyone like a chance to hold one?" He glanced around the room, his eyes landing in yours again. "Miss. L/n, please come up to the front, I know your father often handles magical creatures."

Your father did handle magical creatures, back in the day. But it had been years since he was out in the field. It made you curious as to just how much he knew about you.

Letting go of George's hand, you could feel the glares from other girls in the class. He set the cage back down and opened the door, taking out a single Pixie. Even in its paralyzed state it still managed I bite his hand.

"OW! Let me get out one that's a bit more docile." He said.

"No, I think if that one doesn't like you, we'll get along just fine." You smirked, and he placed the small creature in the palm of your hand. The magic radiating off of it was strong, and familiar. "Professor." You turned to him, speaking loud enough so the whole class could hear you. "Who did you say put the spell on the Pixies?" You sent an unseen wink towards Fred and George.

"Why me of course." He said rather proudly.

"Then tell me professor, why is the magic radiating off of it belong to Hermione Granger? And not you?" You smirked as the look of shock speed across his face.

Reaching forward, and placing the Pixie back in he cage gently, and closing it again you turned back towards the still shocked man. "Don't lie about your abilities to an empath Professor. We can tell when you're not telling the truth."

Finding your seat again George leaned into your ear again. "Bloody brilliant."

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