Part 10:  Diagon alley

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It had been a few days since Harry had shown up, and it was finally that time of year again to go shopping for school supplies.

You decided since the Weasley's had been kind enough to let you stay with them for a good portion of the summer you would do all the kid's school shopping for them.

So, you got up early the day before Molly had said they would be leaving to get school supplies and went to write a note.

Dear Molly,

I got a letter from my parents last night saying they needed me home for a family emergency. I'm sorry it's so sudden, I'll be back in a few hours I promise.

With love, y/n.

'That should keep them at bey for a while.' You thought as you turned to see one of your families house elves sitting on the stairs. "Alright, lets go." You said to her.

In a moment you were standing in the long street filled with shops of different kinds.

At least it was still early enough so it wasn't too crowded.

Glancing down at the list you had written out, you decided to go get potions ingredients first.

After a bit of chaos in the shop you eventually had everything paid for and put in your seemingly never ending bag.

Then you went on to get everything else, you knew you couldn't get Ginny a wand, because the wand chooses the wizard, even the shops back in Ireland knew that.

So there was only one last stop to make. Books.

"The entire collection of Gilderoy Lockhart? Seems a tad bit extreme." You said quietly to the house elf besides you. She just shrugged in response.

"Y/n l/n?!" An excited voice said behind you.

You turned to see who it was, and were nearly knocked down when you saw him directly behind you.

"Umm, can I help you?" You asked, taking a step back.

"I'm shocked you don't know who I am!" He looked hurt. "I'm the infamous Gilderoy Lockhart! And I know exactly who you are!" He was significantly more cocky than you liked. "You're y/n l/n, the young witch from an extraordinary family, it's not every day that a young witch like yourself from Ireland moves away from her own county to attend Hogwarts."

"Yeah well. Umm." You tried to think of any reason to get away from him, your shopping was almost done anyway. "I really should be goin, I uh, have a lot to do. Gotta be home soon."

"Of course, and I will be looking forward to teaching you this year." He smiled brightly. But for whatever reason it just creeped you out.

"Yeah, it was uh, nice meeting you professor."

"Please, call me Gilderoy!" He beemed.

"I think I'll stick with professor." You said finally to go and get all the other books everyone needed.

After you found all the other books, you got a large stack of Gilderoy Lockhart's books. And after finally paying, and getting everything back in your bag you left the shop.

"Alright, got everything for myself, Harry, the boys, and Ginny. Anything I'm missing?" You asked looking down at the house elf's.

"Nothing ma'am, shall we go back to the burrow?" She asked looking up.

"That would be wonderful. Be sure to tell my parents I said hello."

In an instant you were back in you and George's room, and your house elf disappeared not a moment later, leaving you to unpack all of your own school things.

With a pep in your step you went down into the kitchen to see everyone eating breakfast.

"Oh y/n dear!" Molly said getting up to give you a hug. "How's your family. I expected you to be gone longer."

"Well I wasn't completely honest with ya Molly." You said rubbing the back of your neck nervously through your thick Irish accent.

"What on Earth do you mean dear?" Everyone had stopped eating except for Ron and looked at you confused.

"Well I knew you would never let me if you knew, so I had to make ya think I was somewhere else." You blushed.

"What are you goin in about?" Author asked.

"Well I went and got everyone's school supplies. I mean I couldn't get Ginny a wand, because the wand chooses the wizard, but I got everything else." As you finished you held open the bag for Molly to look in. "I've already gotten out all my things, all that's left is for everyone else." Molly's eyes went wide as she looked in.

"Why on Earth would you do such a thing?" She asked, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she pulled you into a tight hug.

"Mum you're gonna strangle her if you hug her like that." Ron sighed from the other end of the table.

"Oh I can't help it. Y/n I'm so glad you met George!" She practically screamed.

You chuckled and looked over at George who had a sly smirk plastered across his face.

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