Part 3: pranks and Trolls

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You walked into potions, not your favorite class, but it was just another class to see your best friends in.

And soon enough Fred and George marched into the room and took their seats on either side of you.

They said the same thing they did every morning in potions, the first class of the day. "Which one is which?" They said in unison.

You turned to the boy on your left. "George." Then to the boy on your right. "Fred."

"Why do you always say his name first?" Fred whined.

"Because he's not as much of a prat as you are." You laughed as Fred punched your shoulder playfully.

Eventually Snape walked in and started the lesson. You sat taking notes on the potion you had to make today.

"Groups of three only. If I see anymore or any less than three to a group expect detention for utter stupidity." Snape snapped at the class. And before you knew it both twins had their arms locked around your own.

"Got our group professor!" George beamed, Snape just rolled his eyes and sat back down at his desk.

"Say y/n." Fred whispered into your ear as you started to crush some of the ingredients.

"Snape trusts you right?" George whispered instantly after.

"How about you go and place this under some papers." Fred said after George.

You looked at the paper he was holding. It looked like normal parchment, but it was slightly grey.

You felt the paper, stroking it from top to bottom with a single finger, trying to study each slight imperfection it held.

"Really guys?" You looked between the two of them. "Exploding parchment?" You chuckled at the fact that You knew what it was.

"Clever girl." They said in unison.

Fred leaned in. "We've pulled it too many times on old Snape."

Then George. "But you're still practically brand new."

They spoke in unison again. "He won't suspect a thing."

You thought about it for a second before grabbing a small twig from the table and walking up to the professors desk.

"Excuse me professor." You made your voice sound slightly nervous. "But the book isn't exactly clear. Do I need to grind the twig or mash it?"

You took the twig in his hand and examined it, while he did so you slowly slipped the grey parchment under a small stack near the end of the desk.

"Miss. L/n I expected better if you, your mother is an expert potion master. I expect you to figure. It. Out." She snapped as he handed to the stick and you hurried back over to the twins.

"Why so anxious y/n?" They teased in unison.

"Gotta keep the act up." You smirked going back to making the potion.

Several minutes later you had finished the potion and call Snape over to take a look.

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor for being the first done." He said in his usual monotone voice.

George grabbed my left hand, and Fred grabbed my right.

Before I knew what was happening there was a rather loud bang from the front of the class. Scattering papers all over the room while small fireworks went off at the desk.

Snape snapped around to glare down at you and the twins, all three of your laughs stopped.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor, and a weeks worth of detention!" He snapped again before turning back to his desk.

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