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𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖

𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖

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Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colours spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted across the clouds. The sun peaking through the curtains as the highlights made patterns on the blanket.

My head nuzzled into a pillow like object as I cling onto the figure more tightly, the radiating heat from her gave me warmth and comfort.

My tired eyes started to open as my view was covered with slight darkness, I pull my head away only to see that my head was on her plump chest. I felt heat on my cheeks as she slept there peacefully, loosely had her arms around my shoulders. Her pink sweet lips slightly open, her body was so comfortable that I could sleep forever against her.

My temptation increased as I leaned forward and kissed her soft lips, she pulled me close to her once again as I smile to myself.

"Mmmmhhh~" Her tired moan escaped her as I felt her shifting into a new position.

My arms escaped her body as I put my face next to hers, noticing her eyes starting to open. A light blush spread across her smooth cheeks whilst she rubbed her tired eyes.

I lifted my upper body as my messy bed hair was shown, some of my locks had some curls in them as i stretched my limbs. My cute oversized top tilted on my body as you could see one side on my shoulder, once again I blushed at the situation I was in as I never imagine this day would come.

I felt Nanami's slim arms around my waist as I felt her head on my back, I looked at small female as I patted her messed up hair whilst she held her grip tighter.

"Morning..." I whispered to her as she let go of my waist and lifted her body as well as she was next to me.

Her cute face was visible as she kept on rubbing her eyes whilst trying to keep herself awake. I patted her back as she leaned into my touch, her head on my shoulder whilst having her arms around my waist once again. I looked at her in awe as I tried not to squeeze her too hard that she might suffocate.

"Let's get ready to get some breakfast in the cafeteria" I said whilst she let go of my waist as she let me get ready.

I brushed my hair as I noticed Nanami still in the same position, i giggled whilst walking over to her with a hair brush. By me sitting on the bed, her eyes opened once again as she felt my presence behind her.

I gently brushed her hair as her locks went through the brush, i smelled her scent from the shampoo she used yesterday as I made sure she was decent when going to the dorm kitchen without Teruteru perverting over her. I finished getting her ready as she looked my way whilst giving me a smile, I cupped her cheeks as I squeezed them slightly as she had some tint in her.

As we went downstairs in comfortable clothes; we would be staying in all day. I held her hand in mine as we traveled to get breakfast.

We greeted our classmates as a whole feast of random foods that smelt fresh and delicious was spread on a long table. We got a few foods as we sat on a table that was empty, not long after a few girls from our class came by and sat on our table as well. Ibuki, Hiyoko, Mahiru and Peko came as they chatted about some gossip and random things that Nanami and I listened to.

"Kzu Kzu, I saw you going into Nanami's room, what happened?" Her teasing smirk was plastered on her face as Mahiru slapped her playfully on her arm.

Both Nanami and I blush together as I pouted whilst eating some cereal, never expecting her to say that. Trying not to think of anything private and embarrassing that could make me got ten times red.

"What are you going to today guys?" I tried to change the subject whilst I was crossing my arms.

"I'm going shopping today! Well Mahiru and I are" Hiyoko excitedly said as she clung onto Mahiru's arm.

"I'm going to practice writing new songs and melody" Ibuki clapped as I giggled at her hyper self.

"What about you both?" Mahiru asked as she put her chin on her open palm, looking with curiosity.

"Gaming..." Nanami's tired voice was heard as I obviously knew that was her answer, as the girls also knew that she was going to say that as well.

After finishing breakfast we headed upstairs once again, her body started to properly awaken as I heard her little yawn which I found cute, I just find Nanami cute overall in general. We opened Nanami's dorm, feeling Nanami's grip around my waist as she sniffs the scent on the clothes.

"Aren't you being affectionate today..." I tried to ignore the word 'clingy' to not say it in a cruel way.

She looked up from nuzzling her head into my back as she titled her head.

"But it's cute" I giggled as she pouted and kept her grip on me as she let go and grabbed my hand as it was in her warm one.

Sunday was a long day today as we played all types of games all day, all genres, all gaming equipment and everything you can think of. The fluffy teddy blanket was wrapped around both of us as she was laying in between my legs, the back of the her head against my chest as my chin rested ontop of her head.

The cute moment happened where we was in a middle of a battle game as she suddenly titled her head up, I looked down as she pressed her lips onto mine to distract me. My mind went blank as she sneakily dropped me off the map, the only time she was actually sneaky in gaming whilst most of the time she let's me win without saying nothing.

As the night came I thanked Nanami for the weekend, before me walking away from her room I heard little footsteps running to me. Nanami grabbed my hand as she turned me around, she pressed her lips once again whilst my heart rate increased.

We parted our ways as I close my dorm room, I jumped around the room as i will always remember that specific weekend that I spent with Nanami.

Whilst getting ready for bed I remembered school was tomorrow as I lay my head onto my fluffy pillow, my eyes getting tried as I dazed off and falling asleep with Nanami still in my mind.

Whilst getting ready for bed I remembered school was tomorrow as I lay my head onto my fluffy pillow, my eyes getting tried as I dazed off and falling asleep with Nanami still in my mind

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[Gaming Love] Nanami Chiaki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now