『T』『w』『e』『n』『t』『y』 -『e』『i』『g』『h』『t』

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The Neo World Program

A virtual world intended to be used to upload the consciousness of those left of ultimate despair and remove their brainwashing.

As all the students were set up with cords and put into a tube that they could lay on as there memories would be erased, I scanned my tube.

"Are you sure you want your memories erased-"

"I want to help my classmates and to defeat the despair. I'm 100% sure." I say as I was getting cables stuck onto me.

"We had all the students to say who we should add into the virtual world as there was one person missing and they said Nanami Chiaki, are you okay with that as well-"

"Definitely! I want to see her again" I say to Byakuya as he snickered.

"Love, eh?" He said as I nodded lightly, only for him to walk away with his team.

I layed down onto the surface as I breathed in and try to refresh and remember all the memories of Nanami and I had together as I smiled of each and every one of them as it was upsetting that I will forget those beautiful memories.

However I was going to make new ones, just like from the start.

Let's meet again Nanami Chiaki...

[Gaming Love] Nanami Chiaki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now