Chapter 2

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The underworld looked just as bad as when I was last there except the hole in the roof where the angels had come from had been patched up. But the extreme heat was still barely bearable, even though my body should've been conditioned to it since I'm a child of the underworld. Anyhow, succubus and incubus flew overhead again along with dragons. Lava boiled and bubbled around us as we walked, lighting the way. But on the way towards the castle where the gods were; I recognized a few souls that were waiting to gain entrance to castle. They all were gathered at the gate amongst a large crowd. I felt terrible as I walked by as they were the people who had died at the battle at the camp. And if the battle took place nearly a year ago, they'd been waiting for so long and never gotten in. And most likely they never would get in. Anyways, I won't list who the souls were as it makes me sad to think I wasn't able to stop Tommy and Dan in time to prevent them from receiving this cruel fate. They looked at me as we walked straight by them and into the main hall where the thrones were for the gods of the underworld, with Hades at the helm. All fell silent when we entered. Just like I remembered, all the thrones were in a u shape. Hades throne was made purely of bones and skulls while everyone else's varied but wasn't nearly as creepy as his. My dad was sitting in the third one on the right side next to Anubis and his throne was made of a misty darkness. Sadly, when we walked by, he didn't say a word and just stared at me blankly, what a great father, always there when I need him. He's only helped me when he benefited form it. And worst of all I've never found out what's happened to my actual mom and everytime I've prayed for him to answer me, he hasn't. Whatever, he's a jerk and I should get used to it. He'll always be the bad father I have.
     Anyways, when we were a few yards away from Hades each demon put a hand on my shoulder and forced me onto my knees. I mean, I would've kneeled anyways so I didn't try to fight it as I knew better than to disrespect the god of the Underworld. And bowing or getting on one knee was a sign of respect down here. Not even seconds later, as a precaution each demon pointed their weapons at my throat as the main demon approached closer to Hades and kneeled before him, "I bring you the requested Demigod, my lord." Hades got up from his throne and approached closer to me; disregarding the main demon. His soulless eyes locked onto me and his pale skin reflecting the light around us. His hair long, dark, and greasy. When he got closer he must've been at least ten feet tall. He crouched down next to me reaching his hand out and grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him. I felt weak when he grabbed me and the skin on his hand was almost transparent as I could see the bones underneath, "You impressed me in your first battle but that impression has now faded. You've shown your true colors by slaying a high ranking demon lord and also my well respected son. It's such a shame that it's come to this. You could've been one of the greatest heroes in history like Hercules but instead, you let emotions and small issues get the best of you." He pushed my head backwards hard and let go of me. He got and turned his back walking back over to his throne, the ground rumbling as he walked. He then proceeded to sit back down on the throne of bones, "Let the witches decide his fate." The main demon still kneeling, nodded and did a strange hand motion. The doors nearby opened and three creepy old ladies stumbled through. They were all dressed in ragged and torn light brown robes. One had a large pair of scissors in the middle that gleamed in the light. The demons that had their weapons against me backed off and the witches surrounded me. The one with the scissors opened them and snipped a large chunk of my hair off and handed some of the second witch and she clenched her fist around it before turning to the third witch who spoke for all of them, "We've determined that he shall be damned to rot in the dungeons eternally, our great lord." I turned my head and looked to my father who just sat there expecting him to say something, anything. But of course he let me down again, staying silent and not looking at me while this happened. Hades grinned, "Just the fate I was thinking of, how delightful." He turned to the main demon, "Take him away to the dungeons at once." The demons forced me onto my feet as the main demon got up and took the lead. Hades looked to my father not saying a word and his smile fading. The demons pushed me towards the doors where the witches had come from, before I could see what was to happen with my dad and Hades. It was large room with high ceilings and a giant cage for something big. Before I could see anymore, we walked over and down a dark stairwell into a large room with cells lining the walls with a large table with straps on either side, in the middle of the room with torture instruments on each side of the table on little movable trays. In front of the table laid a pool of lava  along with a ginormous furnace. This room wreaked more of the smell of death than the entire underworld. I knew this wasn't a good sign to say the least as I knew what they did to the people down here as if they torture table wasn't already enough to tell. The main demon opened an empty cell that was perfectly next to the door from which we came. They shoved me in and I nearly hit my head on the wall before stopping myself. I turned around and they had locked and closed the door behind me. The bars were clearly made of Decronite as was everything that was metal down here. Inside the cells there was no bed or any other amenities. The only thing there was, was shackles on the wall and the shackles were stained with blood. The demons left me as I looked around the room. There was nobody in the nearby cells that I could see. And I couldn't see across the room as it was too dark. Anyways, they hadn't bound my hands or even searched me for that matter which was a bit odd. Every other time I've beeb locked up, I've been searched and bound. So, I tried to open a portal but found my magic strangely was working. I tried a few different spells and found the same result. I became a bit worried and realized I wasn't going to be able to use magic to escape. That eliminated more than half of my potential escape plans. I tried to stick my and through the gap in the bars and found I could reach the knob to open the door while pressing myself against the bars. I tried to rotate the knob but it didn't budge, obviously locked into place. It didn't take time before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I pulled my arm back inside the cell, wrapping my hands around the bars. Someone opened the door into the dungeon and a huge dude bigger than Thickle came in. He had on a mask with a hood over his head. He had on a ragged tunic but all his muscles were showing as it didn't cover his arms. He walked over to the torture table and undid the straps before he looked in my direction. I nearly had a heart attack knowing what was to come. I didn't know if my body would be able to heal at all down here if my magic wasn't working. I prayed though as the bulky guy lumbered over to my cell unlocked the door. I had two choices, fight back or let it happen. I wasn't no slouch. Even though I was scared I got to my feet and the guy reached into the cell trying to grab me. I moved out of the way and he stood in the doorway blocking it completely. I was about to run at him to attack but he grabbed me and slammed me against the bars hard. That hurt way worse than I expected and pain shot through my entire body. I had a bad feeling as he pulled me out of the cell and strapped me down onto the torture table back face down. My head was hanging off the table over the boiling hot lava. My hands and feet were strapped down and I couldn't move. I prepared myself to the pain I'd have to endure. He walked over to the nearby wall out front of me next to the furnace and I saw what he grabbed, a god damn whip. This was going to hurt like hell. He walked behind me and began the beating. Striking me repeatedly over and over on the back, each time the pain getting worse. I clenched my teeth as I felt blood dripping down my back. I tried not to cry like a wimp, if I could survive nearly dying multiple times... this is nothing. My eyes welled with tears and I saw them. I saw my worst enemies in the cell nearest to the furnace, Toby, Hunter, Tommy, and Kevin all of them all in the same cell. They were all drenched in blood and in worse shape than I was. The guy stopped whipping me and put me back in my cell locking it behind me. He walked over to the door and opened it. I tried to catch my breath as it was getting hard to breathe.

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