Chapter 6

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       All of the sudden after hours of nothing happening, the ground rumbled under me, making the rib cage shutter around me. I quickly got up from where I was resting. I quickly looked around to see if I was in any immediate danger. There seemed to be nothing I could see from inside, so I walked out from underneath the bones and looked around again and found nothing, even when I looked up. I wondered what was causing the ground to rumble so much. Little did I know I'd find out soon enough. Because when I turned around to go back inside the rib cage I noticed something lurking in the darkness. Two large glowing eyes had appeared at the end of the tunnel as the creature hid in the darkness.  But i could see it's barely visible outline. When I looked closer, I could make out that the creature was very big. I took one step backwards being a bit worried this thing would not be friendly towards me. And me backing up proved to be a bad decision as the creature started moving rapidly towards me. It seemed to be crawling on all fours. As I turned around to book it, I got a clear glimpse of the creature, it was a dragon for sure. It had two huge wings and a long neck with a almost snake like head with grey scales. It was a big dragon at that. It roared loudly and the ground shook again when it did. I started to run as fast as I could but every second I heard it getting closer. This situation was bad to say the least. I was alone and unable to use magic, meaning I couldn't fight back and wouldn't have any outside help. And to top it all off, I saw that I was running straight into a ravine with a lava creek at the far end with no clear way across. The walls of the ravine were very tall on either side, meaning I was running into a dead end. I had no where else to go as the dragon was too close behind to do anything drastic. Suddenly I felt an intense burst of heat behind me and instinctively I rolled to the side. I found out the dragon had started to breathe fire, narrowly missing me. And to make the situation even more dire, It wasn't no normal fire either. No, no, no, it was Greek Fire. It would burn me to a crisp once it latched onto me as Greek Fire didn't go out by normal means, it either burned until there was nothing left to burn or it had to be contained. The dragon stopped monetarily about to breath fire again and with that, I got up and pushed myself forwards, my legs starting to hurt from running so fast. I was very fit, don't get me wrong, but I was starving and dehydrated beyond belief so my body was shutting down slowly on me. I hadn't found anything to eat or drink in the underworld and highly doubted I would. Anyways, I was only a few yards away from the lava creek now. I'd be trapped when I got to the creek, I had to think of something or I'd be killed by the dragon. I stopped and looked around, the dragon a few yards behind, not in range for a fire breath attack yet thankfully. I got extremely lucky as a glint of metal caught my eye from beneath the dirt. I made sure the dragon was still not on top of me before I pushed the dirt aside. When the diet was moved, it revealed a great sword. The bad thing was, it was rusted badly. It wasn't going to be very sharp because of the rust and the amount of time it had probably been buried for. But I picked it up though as it was my only chance at fighting his beast. I wrapped two hands around it and when I turned around, the dragon was right there. It snapped its jaws at me and I narrowly avoided it, slashing weakly at its tough scales. The blade somehow pierced the scales causing the dragon to recoil momentarily. It backed up adjusting it's footing. It bent its neck backwards and I knew it was about to breath fire. Having no choice since I was pinned against the lava creek, I rolled aside again and pressed myself against the wall of the ravine. The dragon breathed fire again barely missing me but still, I felt the intense heat. Not even seconds after, it snapped at me with its powerful jaws. Out of instinct and desperate choices, I stuck the great sword out in front of me. This proved to be a good idea as miraculously at the angle the beast snapped its jaws at me, the blade went through the roof of it's mouth and straight into it's head. The dragon stood still suddenly and I was a bit confused. I kicked it to make sure it was dead and when I did, the dragon fell over onto its side, dead for now. I pulled the great sword out, amazed at how I was somehow able to slay the beast. I looked at the now bloody and rusted sword. It looked like a normal iron great sword but somehow, it seemed different to me. I couldn't put my finger on what it was though... at least until a few seconds later.
        The dragon's corpse mysteriously started glowing gold. I turned to the corpse holding the blade at the ready, thinking it was being revived or something. Oh boy was I in for a surprise, the dragons skin started to burn and crackle without reason. And strangely wisps of orange and pink energy went into my sword, surrounding it, until the corpse had no more flesh and was only bones. The energy seemed to go into the sword and when all the energy was absorbed, the blade was now in perfect condition. It had no signs of wear and tear or rust anymore. The blade was purplish-blue gray in color. It took me a minute to realize that it was made of 1060 steel which some campers use to make theirs swords because it's resistant to chipping and can be very sharp. Where the hike and the blade met there was a small metal skull with glowing red gem eyes on either side. The skull was facing away from the blade. I was in complete awe at the weapon I had just found. But I also wondered about its origins, like did it belong to a demon who abounded it? I'd probably never know though. Anyways, I looked around a bit more, seeing if there was anymore goodies buried. Sadly, after about ten minutes of searching, there was nothing. But the sword was a great addition. The only bad thing was I had no way to store it as of now. I couldn't strap it to my back or when I walked, the blade would rub against my spine and cut me over and over again. So I had to carry it around, looking like a complete idiot and dragging it was a bad idea as it would leave a trail behind me and dull the blade. I decided to get moving and began to walk out of the ravine, leaving the dragon bones behind me.

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