Chapter 4

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      When I woke up I was somewhere completely different. We were obviously somehow out the castle and by a small a pool of water. There was a faint light coming from outside and it seemed like we were in a cave with a stream of lava running outside it. Amelia was kneeled down by the water as I laid a few feet away from her. She put her finger into it, "Phew. It's not too hot." I was able to move again thankfully. I sat up and wondered how we got here as we were just in the castle. She turned to me, "Oh you're awake..." She half smiled like she was nervous.
      I had questions, "How did we get here? Why'd you use your voice charm on me?"
       She walked over to me and helped me up, "Well, I could only think of one way to get you out and you didn't agree... so I did what I had to."
        I realized what she did, "So you decided to make me black out and then ate me?!"
        She rolled her eyes, "At least I actually let you out. You know most monsters would have the self control to even puke you back up. Probably not even your giantess friend."
        I swear she was trying to help me but also piss me off. Poking fun at Jennifer was never a good idea Ben knew that and so did Julia. If you made fun of Jennifer, you were in for a train of pain. But I wouldn't lose it like her but I still didn't like when people would insult her either, "Don't talk bad about her. She's been there to help me longer than you have. She's the reason I'm alive right now. You would've lost me without her help!"
       She huffed, "Whatever. Don't make me use my charm again or I won't be so nice next time. Now, wash yourself off so we can get out of here." I didn't even notice but I was covered in obviously stomach acids. I walked over to the pool of water and checked the temperature. Somehow it wasn't skin meltingly hot like the rest of the underworld. It was about as warm as a hot tub. I took off my pants but not my underwear since I didn't want them to be absolutely soaking wet and because I knew better than strip down completely before a succubus. There was a little ledge underwater perfect to sit on and still be above the water. I hopped in and the pool of water was just deep enough so I was up to my rib cage. I sat down and she walked over to the pool of water and began to strip down down her lingerie underneath, I obviously looked away covered my eyes as this was not okay, "Woah! What the hell!? This is not the time for a pool party!"
     She rolled her eyes tossing her shirt aside, "Shut up Crosby, I need to relax a bit right now." She got in the pool and her wings disappeared. She sat next to me and pulled my hands away from my eyes using her tail and moved her hand to make me look at her, "Why're you so afraid? I get it that I'm attractive but I still want to see your gorgeous face." I looked at her and she was perfect body wise which I feel bad for saying since Jennifer was pretty much as close as I could get with a real girl. She must've seen me blushing a bit because she smiled gently, "You like what you see don't you?" I forced myself to look away hating myself for being a lonely guy since Jennifer disappeared. She laid her head on my shoulder gently and gently giggled, "It's okay Crosby, I'm supposed to match your exact desires for a lady." I wrapped my arm around her and I saw her blush, "Finally showing that spark of excitement again... it's been too long Crosby." I was super embarrassed and nervous to do stuff like this. I never did around Jennifer as I kind of feared she'd slap me or lose it if I touched her. She looked up at me breaking my thoughts, "Why're you so nervous all the sudden?"
I had to be honest as she could read me like a book, "I'd never do this with Jennifer or I'd get slapped, or worse."
      She blushed a tad looking away from me then she turned back towards me looking me in the eyes, "Crosby... I...." She reached her arms out and grabbed onto my face pulling me in for a kiss. This was not happening right now. I pushed her away and hopped out of the pool. I wasn't comfortable with her enough for that stage yet and I would never be. She looked shocked that I refused and a little saddened, "Crosby...."
      I grabbed my pants and walked over to the lava to dry off quickly. I heard her get out of the pool and follow me, she stopped standing next to me her voice trembling, "What's wrong?"
      I turned to her and she looked like she was about to cry again, "Not comfortable enough for that. And I'm not as dumb as you think Amelia. I know what kissing a succubus means."
       Her hair fell over her face and she visibly began to tremble as I heard her begin to sniffle. Damn it, I made her upset. She was obviously crying seconds later and I felt terrible. I tried to hug her but it didn't go so well. She pushed me back and swiped upwards with her hand... her nails grown out into claws now. Her nails tore through the skin on my chest like butter, a burst of blood going upwards into the air as I fell backwards nearly into the inches away from the lava. Sharp pain filled my body as I looked down she'd ripped through layers of my skin, down to the raw flesh. Suddenly I had no control as I started to cough up blood violently. She turned looking towards me before her wings extended and she flew upwards, leaving me to die, alone. My eyes felt heavy, and soon, I fell into darkness.

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