Chapter 10

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Miraculously, I didn't die in my slumber somehow. Well, it wasn't really a miracle as I found out why soon enough when I started to wake up. I felt something in my mouth and tasted something familiar, the milk from earlier, still sweet like candy. I opened my eyes and Amelia was looming over me. She was super red and I looked down to what was in my mouth. I regretted looking half a second later when I saw it was her tail. Her tail was almost pulsating and I put two and two together, grossly realizing the milk was hers. I tried to pull her tail out of my mouth but she pinned my arms down, "A little more Crosby. You're still bleeding from being stabbed." All I could do was swallow unwillingly. She pulled her tail out a few seconds later and it was drenched in my saliva and still dripping 'milk'. She still had my arms pinned down. She was very red still, "I'm really sorry Crosby. I had to keep you alive and this is the only way I know how...." I was a little mad that she served me her stuff earlier and didn't even tell me but I was grateful that she decided to keep me alive. She was starting to prove to be a valuable ally but also being a weird one to say the least. She wiped her tail off and let go of my arms. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug, "Crosby.... Please... don't try to fight them again. They nearly killed you... and I don't want you to leave me down here alone forever." She wrapped her wings around me along with her disgusting tail. She held my head pressing it onto her shoulder and her other arm was against my back. Little did I realize she was almost turning into my guardian angel, without the angel part of course. She pulled me away from her so she could look me in the eyes, "Are you upset with me?"
Her eyes were beautiful up close, they looked like dark red jewels. I was having a little trouble speaking as they were really distracting, "N-No. I'm not."
She smiled gently and pulled me back into a tight hug, "My little hero."
I could see the where we fell from above us, "Can you fly us out of here?" She let go of me and got up turning her back to me as I sat on the rocks. She extended her wings to their maximum wing span, "No baby. I can't, Tommy stabbed a hole through my left one." I looked and there was a massive hole, dripping very dark blood. That threw my plan to get out the way we came out the window. There was no way we'd be able to climb up as the it wasn't just one large flat rock. She looked back to me and saw I was looking at the ground thinking to myself. She kneeled down and grabbed hold of my chin gently, her wings retracting, "My wings will only heal once I feed. But you're too weak right now to feed. It'd be too risky."
      I knew she was right as I'd need to time to bounce back. So I just looked around at where we ended up, "Do you know where we are by chance?"
      She looked around a bit too before turning back to me, "If I had to guess.... the deepest part of the underworld." I was hoping she was wrong, because if we were, that'd mean we'd be close to the titans. And let's just say the titans aren't the biggest fans of demigods or even gods for that matter. We were on top of a little hill and everything went down around us, there was no way back up that I knew of. Whatever, we only had one way to go so I figured it'd be best to keep moving. I started walking and she followed alongside. I couldn't stop thinking about Jennifer again. I missed her smile and her willingness to listen if I needed someone to talk to. I didn't feel comfortable telling Amelia much as she could use whatever I tell her against me. I didn't know if I could exactly trust a succubus either to be honest. I must've been obviously blanking out as Amelia shook my arm and whined, "Crosby! Why're you always thinking about her?!" She looked up at me while holding onto my arm.
I didn't know if she was talking about Jennifer, "Thinking about who?"
She frowned, "You always are too busy thinking about Jennifer and how great she is! You never appreciate how good I am!" She squeezed my arm and walked with herself against me trying to obviously keep my attention. This was getting old very fast. I was tired of how childish she acted, all she did was whine and try to be cute about it. But it always comes off as annoying to me, "You want to know why I'm always thinking of her?" She nodded frantically, so I told her it blatantly, "She's great in every way. She's not childish and she doesn't whine or complain about how I act that much. She's also great at listening and helping me through struggles that no normal person would be able to. Plus, she doesn't view me like a meal to be messed with. Plus on top of it all, she respects me and wishes to see me at my best. That's exactly what a good girlfriend should be and that's why I'm in love with her." She went quiet and let go of my arm, looking down at the ground walking quietly. She kept pace with me and didn't say a word, "Look, I'm sorry if that's not what you want to here but that's how I feel. She's the one I'm in love with and forever will be."
She didn't look up at me, "It's fine. I understand, you don't love me like her. I guess I'll be second best...." I felt bad rejecting girls but I mean, who wouldn't? Unless you're a heartless bastard of course which I'm not. She grabbed hold of my hand but I didn't stop her as she was trembling slightly like she was going to cry... again. I could care less if Jennifer's the giantess princess, she's a great friend and will be there until my last day at my side or in my thoughts.

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