Chapter 9

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       We had stopped a while ago because I was exhausted and she stood watch. I woke up later and she obviously didn't stand watch exactly like I thought she did because she was sitting against me and she was breathing heavily. I looked at her and she smiled at me weakly still trying to catch her breath, "Sorry. I had to feed off you, I've been starving for days now." I didn't approve but I didn't dare to go against her since she agreed to help me get out of here. To avoid feeling drained until I fell asleep again, I drank the rest of the milk she gave me earlier which was still moderately warm somehow and not heated up.
     She blushed again when I started drinking it again, "What the hell did you do?! You always turn red when I start drinking it!"
    She obviously completely avoided the question, "You're just so attractive all the time." Her tail was wrapped around my waist again, "I just can't wait until we get to the surface. Then I can show Jennifer what a good girlfriend looks like!" She giggled looking at me like this was supposed to be funny. It really wasn't at all, especially because she chose to poke fun at Jennifer of all people, "It's a joke Crosby, don't you ever laugh?"
     I wasn't happy with her 'joke', "Don't ever diss Jennifer. She's been there and willing to help me at my darkest hour. You haven't until recently."
      She looked a bit saddened as she knew I was right. She sighed, "Look Crosby, I'm sorry okay? But I feel this is a very one sided relationship in your favor."
        She had to be joking, "No way! You're only helping me just so you can feed off me and enjoy freedom finally! You wouldn't have helped me if I was any other guy!" Before she could respond, I heard people talking nearby. It sounded like Tommy and the others were approaching. She grabbed onto my arm and tried to pull me close to her to hide again. I didn't let her as we were out in the open and we'd be sitting ducks if they spotted us. I pulled her up and looked around quickly, I had to find somewhere for us to go.
     This proved to be a mistake as I locked eyes with Kevin. He smirked manically, "There he is! Let's get the bastard!"
      I let go of Amelia and she let go of me. All four of them charged at me weapons drawn. I drew my sword and Amelia just kind of stood there. I didn't like the odds of coming out on top. There was four of them versus two of us. And Amelia wasn't very experienced in combat from what I could tell. This is where I wished Jennifer was with me as she could just stomp on them. But I was stuck with Amelia, her nail claws extended along with her wings. I spread my feet and held my sword out. Kevin struck first at me, dual wielding daggers. Then Toby slashed me at from the side when I wasn't looking, catching me off guard and cutting right below my rib cage. Hunter brought down his axe my sword causing it to violently shake in my hands. I evaluated who the biggest threat was, and decided it was Kevin. I lunged at Kevin swinging and I knocked his dagger out of his hands. He backed up and before I could strike him down, Toby stabbed me in the back before pulling it out. It stung badly and I realized he had laced his weapon in poison. I was pretty badly injured now and my sword was glowing brighter than it ever had, rotating between, black, white, and purple strangely. I backed up finding myself with my back to a cave. Suddenly I heard Amelia let out a ear piercing scream. I turned to see Tommy with one of his angelic swords stuck through her wings. I had to save Amelia regardless of how much I despised her in the moment. I slashed at Tommy and he stumbled backwards with his back oozing white blood. They regrouped as I stood by Amelia who nearly fell over. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, using me as support. I looked back as we only had one way to go, into the cave. The others backed off as Tommy came forward both his giant swords at the ready. He started swinging rapidly, and violently. He got lots of good hits on me but I was able to block almost all of them, except a few which cut my hands up. They all started advancing forwards. With no choice, I backed up onto the cave. The cave was a cave at all, but a hole to the inner depths of hell. I fell with Amelia at least twenty five meters down onto a bunch of rocks. I landed first and she landed on top of me. It felt like every bone in my body was shattered as I was in more pain than ever due to being poisoned and having just fallen so far. She got up off me and looked down at me as I felt cold blood dripping down my face and gathering around me. My eyes felt heavy all the sudden and she looked at me going wide eyed realizing I wasn't doing well. She grabbed my head and started speaking. I couldn't make out anything she was saying. She shook me but it was too late as everything faded to black.

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