Chapter 5

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This is one of the many times I hate myself. I should've kept my mouth shut and did what she wanted to. Because if I did, I wouldn't have been ditched and left alone to die in the underworld. Who knows what could've happened to me. For all I know, a monster could've discovered me and figured I was a free meal. Luckily, none of that happened. Though when I woke up, I was still alone and somehow alive. Still being inches away from from by the lava creek. Thankfully, I didn't feel myself bleeding to death anymore. The bad news was that when I looked around, everything was the exact same as when I had blacked out. On top of it all, I had no clue how much time had passed, for all I know, I could've blacked out for days. Amelia could be long gone by now. Whatever, the past is in the past. I figured it'd be best to move out so I got up and put on my pants that were extremely warm due to being so close to lava. I looked around, trying to find a way out of this little ravine I was in. I was guessing she flew me down here as there was no visible way up as the lava creek took up the entire ravine. I had two options, both which weren't that great. One being that I'd have to venture deeper into the cave and hope there was some exit on the other side, or the second being that I'd have to climb out above the lava. Both seemed like bad ideas. For one, I could get lost in the cave. And if I climbed and slipped, I'd surely fall into the lava to my death. Before I could even weigh the options, the choice was made for me as I heard barking coming from inside the cave followed by a manly voice. This definitely wasn't Amelia so I didn't dare wait to see who was coming. I ran over to entrance of the cave and scooted along the edge of the lava until I had a straight shot to climb up. All the rocks along the edge were great for climbing except for being stupidly sharp. But there was no time to find another way up, I hoisted myself up onto the cliff face. It was almost twenty feet directly upwards. The barking started getting closer as I frantically climbed up, ignoring the fact that the rocks were cutting my hands. My arms started to hurt halfway up from having to hold myself up. Every foot I climbed, the weaker my arms felt. I couldn't stop, I pushed through the pain getting closer to the top, the barking was very loud. And with that I pulled myself out of the ravine, overheating from hanging over the lava. Curious to who was coming after me, I looked down and there was a demon with a bunch of hellhounds at the cave's entrance. He looked around clearly not noticing me. I signed in relief until I looked around, it wasn't much better up here than it was in the cave. There was lava rivers going in every direction and I couldn't see the castle either, which meant I had no way of navigating a way out of here. I observed my surroundings some more, ignoring that my hands were cut up pretty badly. I was out in the open and I knew I'd have to hide as I was a fugitive down here. I had proof that they were looking for me. Luckily, the barking from the dogs went back into the cave behind me. While I was catching my breath and cooling off, I tried to figure out which direction I should go in. I could either try to find Amelia down here or find my way out on my own. Both options weren't great as I could just not find her at all with my luck. And if I got into a fight by myself, I'd have no way to defend myself. Anyways, as I was looking around, I saw what looked like bones from a giant creature in the distance. I thought it might be a bad idea to go towards the bones but I went towards the bones anyways having no other clues as to where to go. I started walking, constantly surveying my surroundings to make sure I wasn't being followed or to see if I could spot the castle in the distance. Obviously there was no one following me now.
For probably an hour, I was walking towards the bones, avoiding lava when I saw it. Although, when I got closer, I realized it was the rib cage of something and whatever the creature was, it must've been huge. The rib cage by itself was bigger than any giantess I'd ever seen. Cautiously, I got closer to the bones and went inside the rib cage. I decided this would be where I would stay for a while, at least until I could find my way out of here. Exhausted again, I sat against one of the bones and tried to pull my thoughts back together which had scattered. I was hungry, unable to use any sort of magic, thirsty, and worst of all, alone. I felt exhausted but I knew sleeping right now wasn't a good idea. I observed my surroundings again. The spine was still attached to the rib cage I was in, but it was half buried into the ground. There was no other bones around which I found quite strange. And as far as I could see there was only lava along with more barren underworld, no castle, and no signs of any life in sight.

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