Chapter 12

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We had to walk for miles through a cave system before we find our way out. We had looped our way back to where the kill squad originally attacked us by doing so. The entire time while we were in the cave, I found out more about my brother, all were not good things though. He was more known for all the sins he had committed than the good things he had done in his lifetime. Although, learning more about him made the time pass quickly as we were less than a mile away from the castle and the exit out of the underworld. I could actually see the elevator finally. Seeing the elevator reminded me of Jennifer once again, and how we came down here for the first time not too long ago. Now, I was glad to be close to escape but knowing our luck, my gut was telling me we weren't getting out this easily. Like I said earlier, everytime we get close to my goal, a new obstacle arises. I hoped deep down that nothing bad would happen but I got ready for a fight mentally. I held the compass which was pointing directly towards the elevator, my ultimate goal as of now. It was doing its job flawlessly. Finally something I could use more than once. I looked to Amelia who was way more excited than I was, her eyes lit up with hope, "We're nearly there Crosby! C'mon!" She grabbed hold of my arm tightly and practically started running, dragging me behind her. I followed but was surveying around us, feeling we weren't in the clear. She pulled me through the massive crowd of souls that waited outside the castle gates. No demons were in sight except Amelia obviously. We made it to the elevator and she stopped letting go of my arm and pressing the button to call it to us. I put the compass in my pocket not needing it anymore as we were so close. My hope was shattered when I heard a familiar voice behind me, "Leaving so soon?"
        I turned and Tommy was standing there, with the rest of the kill squad behind him. I sighed really not wanting to fight these guys again and get my butt kicked. Tommy looked at me strangely when I sighed. I looked to the others who looked ready for a fight, "Why're you working for Hades of all people? He's not going to hold up his end of whatever deal he made with you guys."
       Tommy had his giant swords in each hand, his wings extended, which were now grey. He was no longer an angel, he was a fallen angel as he was no longer pure of heart, "What're you purposing?"
        I looked to Amelia who was very confused then back to them, "Well, if he promised escape... why don't you just come with us instead? He's just going to lock you back up if you kill me."
      Amelia grabbed my arm tight and pulled me away, wide eyed, "Are you insane!? They all nearly killed you!"
       I didn't care if they nearly killed me, this was our only shot at escaping without another near fatal fight. I pulled my arm away from her and turned back to them. The group was all huddled up and whispering, talking about what I just purposed. Tommy turned back around, "We have some conditions that need to be fulfilled if we are to join you."
        I pushed my hair up a little worried about what'd they want, "Fine. Only if I think their reasonable."
        Kevin stepped up, "We all want access to Camp Morgul. No questions asked."
          This seemed like a terrible idea, especially letting Tommy back in after he tried to take over the camp. And also because Tommy got nearly half the members of the camp killed. The others I felt might be okay to let back into the camp with a watchful eye.
       Amelia stepped forward, "Didn't Tommy tru to take over that exact camp?"
       Tommy sighed, "I've changed honey. I realized that it doesn't take a camp or mass murder to get the power you desire. You can get it through other means."
      I heard the elevator stop behind us and open. It was now or never, "Fine. I'll try to get you all access back in but I can't promise it will happen. Especially you Tommy."
      Tommy rolled his eyes and stepped forwards extending his hand, a smile extending on his face, "Pleasure doing business with you." I shook his hand and he nearly tore my arm off when he did. Amelia held open the elevator as the others walked by getting in first. I followed with Tommy behind me. I was worried to say the least about what they would do when we were in the elevator, as it was the perfect spot for an ambush. We all squeezed in and the elevator doors closed, darkness consumed the elevator momentarily as we began to rise upwards. Seconds later the lights flickered on everybody just looked at each quietly. Amelia smiles gently to me, seemingly nervous about letting these guys come with us but also excited to be seeing the surface for the first time ever. Moments later we reached the surface where it was nighttime. Just like I remembered, there was a single light outside the elevator and a cave led up and out to the surface. The others stepped out first and I followed them with Amelia. They all had their weapons sheathed. They all stopped a little past the mouth of the cave, "We'll meet you at Camp Morguls gate."
Before I could say anything, Kevin opened a portal that consumed them all leaving me and Amelia alone. The city of Los Angeles laid in below us down the hill. Amelia grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the Hollywood sign, smiling. The moon hung overhead lighting our way. She pulled me behind the L closest to the W. She tackled me to the ground a giant grin on her face and her tail wrapped around my waist, "It's time for some fun Crosby!" She climbed on top of me and picked my head up. I instantly knew what she wanted. I stuck out my hands to try to stop her but she grabbed my arms with her tail pushing them aside, "Why're you so scared? You promised you'd be willing when we reached the surface! And here we are!" I turned my head away from her but she grabbed my face with both hands, planting a kiss on the lips. She drew back with the biggest grin on her face, her eyes hopeful and wide eyed as she was full of joy. From there... let's just say it got intimate.

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