Chapter 2

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Yn Pov

10:45 A.M

Well today I'm moving to L.A. and I must say I'm kinda sad that I'm leaving because imma miss my dad, friends , and family.... its like its not going to be the same anymore... anyways Ive got done packing my bags and im heading to the airport with my mom and all my other stuff like cd', and etc.. will be shipped to our new house... I'm really not in the happy mood today... its like I'm leaving my home and going somewhere I don't belong...we will be boarding at 11:15

*Yn Mom*: Yn are you happy your going to L.A. and meet new people,she said with a huge grin

*Me*: No I don't wanna leave I wanna go back where I belong, I said

*Yn Mom*: Why are you so gru..., she said (GCO)

*Me*: just leave me alone!!! don't say anything else to me until we get there!! oh yea and I'm not grumpy!!! , I said getting very angry

2:45 P.M.

Yn Pov

We finally made it and I have to say that my new house looks way bigger. When I walked in it was already furnished... when I went into my new room it was beautiful and big... I had a queen size bed... 50 inch flat screen T.V.... a walk in closet and inside the closet if you click the blue button you go to a whole nother room with snacks, games, studio, dance studio , and chill out area where it has a glass door with a big and long window with a bed thing next to the window where you can just look out of the window it was so B...E...A...U....T....I....F...U....L well beautiful I had went out the other room in the closet and went into this nice bathroom in my room it was really nice and well furnished it was a walk in shower... a beautiful mirror... nice marble counters and all... after that I came out and went downstairs

*Yn Mom*: We will be having guests here in an hour... so I want you to have your stuff unpacked... I've already unpacked my stuff since you took and hour tour in your room.. and yes I will be cooking dinner, she said

*Me*: why guests and ok..., I said disappointed

45 mins later

I was done packing and then I took a shower since guests was coming so I put on a cute black crop top with my red fitted skinny jeans and some black and red Jordan's...For my hair I straightened it and wore my Chinese bangs and wore it in a sock bun..and I must say I looked good...Next the door bell rung so it had to be the guest so my mom called me downstairs so I could meet them

*Yn Mom*: hey Keisha and boys this is my beautiful daughter YN

*Keisha* well hello my name is Keisha and they are Chresanto, Rayan, Craig, and Jacob, she said pointing to each of them

Them: Hey , they said simultaneously

*Me*: Hello, I said giving a warm smile

*Yn Mom*: ok well come in , she said welcoming them

They all came In and sat down at the table that has been set up with food my momma cooked

*Yn Mom*: Keisha and I will be leaving today to go somewhere for the whole week yes I have left some money for you Yn so you kids be on your best behavior , she said

*Kids*: Ok, We all said simultaneously

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