| Chapter 4: "These damned frogs . . . shall taste the might of DIO!"

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Y/N walked into the wide meadow, scowling. The sun had just set and Y/N could see the ginormous frogs beginning to burrow into the ground, getting ready to rest for the night.

Y/N walked up to one of the frogs, still bearing a scowl. 

"Let us see how powerful you truly are, amphibian . . ." Y/N said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

After quite a few Muda Muda's later . . .

Y/N dusts off his hands, sighing in relief. Finally, this was all over and Y/N no longer needed to deal with the frogs. The task took much longer than he thought, only because he had to find the weak spots of all the frogs. He walked away and started the long trek back to the village, the sun's rays not yet shining over the mountaintops.

On the way back, he saw Aqua and the other teen again, getting ready to probably attack the frogs. DIO walks over to them.

"Oh, DIO, hello again!" Aqua said, her mood seeming much more joyous than the last time he saw her.

"Hello again, By the way, I never caught your name." Y/N said looking over at the brown haired teen clad in a jumpsuit.

"Its Kazuma."

"Hmm, pleasure to meet your acquaintance Kazum-"

Suddenly, a giant frog jumps out, leaping at the three of them. Aqua screams while Kazuma looks in shock.


To Aqua and Kazuma, the frog exploded backwards after DIO shouted that. It was incredible! How did he do that? Kazuma wondered. Aqua was equally as confused, it also seemed DIO had teleported 180 degrees from when he was facing them and was now pointing at where the frog previously was.

"My apologies," DIO said, brushing some frog bits off of himself.

"That . . . Was . . . INCREDIBLE!" Aqua shouted, "HowdidyoudothatitwasamazingwasthisthestuffyouweretalkingaboutwhenIhadsentyouhereholys#%&you'resopowerfulandcoolItotallytakebackallmypreviousthoughtsaboutyou!" Aqua continued fangirling.

"N-Nani!?" DIO stammered out, he was taken aback by Aqua's sudden yelling and admiration

Kazuma sighed, "Sorry about the useless goddess." He said pointing at Aqua.

"Kazuma-san you're so mean to me!"

"Thats because it's true!" He yells back.

Y/N looked over to the rising sun, he had to leave now quickly if he wanted to return back to town and into the tavern.

"Well, I'm going to be off now, good day to both of you-"

"W-Wait, can you stay with us?" Aqua cut him off, grabbing his sleeve.

"I really must be-" DIO began to say, but stopped when he saw Aqua's face.

" . . . Fine " He finished, much to the delight of both Aqua and Kazuma.

"Heh, maybe now we have a chance of not dying" Kazuma said.

Y/N stayed with the two the rest of the day, watching over them and killing the frogs when they were in trouble. After Kazuma, Aqua, and DIO finished the quest, they began their journey home.

"So, DIO, where are you staying at currently?" Kazuma asked

"The Tavern." He replied.

"Hey, do you wanna eat with us after we turn in the quest reward? I've heard the Frog meat is pretty tasty!" Aqua said

He considered the offer for a moment, he nodded. This could be very beneficial to his knowledge . . . Very beneficial indeed . . .


He had changed his mind. This wasn't as beneficial as he had thought it would be. It wasn't a complete loss though, this was the most fun he'd ever had. Previously, he'd never really been able joke around and do stuff like this. It was . . . Refreshing.

He sighed a relaxed sigh. 

Kazuma cleared his throat, "So, I've been wondering . . . Would you be interested in joining our party DIO?"

"Yeah! We're making an awesome party to go and defeat the Demon King!" Aqua chimed in.

He thought about it for a moment, 

and decided . . .

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