Chapter 28: DIO Gets Angy At Kazuma.

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Y/N sighed, Kazuma sighed and panted, and Aqua sobbed.

"Sh-Should I even ask what happened . . . ?" Megumin said.

"It was Kazuma!" Aqua yelled.

"Hey don't blame me! It's your fault for being catnip to the undead!"

"But it is your fault for leaving us behind!" Y/N said while smacking the back of Kazuma's head.

Kazuma faceplanted from Y/N's smack.

"Y-You bastard-!" Kazuma yelled.

He got up and tried to attack Y/N, however Y/N simply held Kazuma's head back.


"Cheers!" everyone collectively yelled.

"This shows that chances are worth taking, even if they seem unlikely!" Megumin said while staring at the delicious food in front of herself.

"Yup!" Aqua said after downing some alchohol, "And thanks to me, it was a huge success! We can divide up the spoils nine to one."

"Baka! All of this is going towards our debt!" Kazuma yelled while laughing.

"But we can at least order refills for today right?"

"All I did was wait at the entrance, so it doesn't feel like I deserve it..." Megumin admitted while reaching for a stein of Beer in front of her. "But thanks for the me-"


Y/N was now Behind Megumin with the beer.

"H-Hey you cannot drink this, you're much too young!" Y/N yelled while holding the beer away from her.

"H-Hey that's no fair!"

Kazuma then attempted to grab the stein from Y/N. Y/N dodged and Kazuma fell onto the floor, somewhat wasted at the moment.

"Just look at these imbeciles!" Y/N yelled to Megumin.

After that Kazuma started to pay for everyone's drinks, and after that Er- I mean, Chris walked in and proceeded to accidentally have steal used on her panties. It was a revelrous night for Kazuma.

Y/N on the other hand, had no drinks and was not acting with extreme cheer. In fact, he actually looked pretty tired.

Suddenly, Yunyun was also there, and she had a handfull of steins with her. She plopped them onto the table, "Ah Megumin! W-What a coincidence I meet you here! How about today we duel with these!"

Megumin looked hungrily in anticipation towards the steins.

"Very well! Challenge accepted-!"


Y/N was now holding all the Beer mugs.

"You cannot drink this stuff Megumin! I personally don't even fully know the drinking laws here however you're at much to young an age to be drinking this!"

"DIOOOO!" Megumin yelled out in a whine, "Quit holding out on me! I know you're just taking those so you can get drunk like the others!"

Y/N stopped, and looked down to her. 

"In the entire time you've known me have you seen me drink?"

"Well no but-"

"I. Don't. Drink." Y/N finished, placing the beer back onto the table. "And plus if I did I'd be drinking a little wine instead of . . . this."

"Aww, c'mon DIOO~ It tastes pretty good actually! Try some~" Aqua said drunkenly to him.

"Absolutely not."




"Sorry but I refuse."

"Not even a little?"

"My father was a drunk so I prefer not to drink. Also, I'd rather not do something I'd regret in the morning as well."

Everyone at the table went silent.

"Well, I'll be off to-" Y/N paused, "Actually I won't be off to the house."

"Why?" Megumin asked.

Y/N pointed to the direction of drunk Aqua.

"Someone is going to have to keep an eye on her."

"Oh ho ho-!~" Kazuma said leaning on Y/N, "I thought you were only into Wi-"


"Ho?~ Don't want me to say," Kazuma paused before yelling, "DIO HAS A THING FOR BOTH AQ-"


"Nuh uh!" Kazuma said yanking Y/N's hood down onto his face.


"W-WAITWAITWAITWAITDIOI'MSORRYITWASAJOOOOOOKKEEEEEEE!" Kazuma yelled while running from the enraged Y/N.

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