Chapter 1: Betraying The Guild

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A/N: I don't own any pictures, characters, or anything, except for my character, Helia. Hope you enjoy!

~9 ABY~

I plopped down at the bar to have a drink. My Anooba, Ani, plopped down beside me. It had brown fur with light brown eyes. I glanced over at the bartender.

"I'll have a Bloody Rancor."

I watched as the Mandalorian strutted into the place. All the bounty hunters in the room stared at him. I could feel their hatred, their jealously, and their envy for him. He was quite well known here for his excellent work as a bounty hunter. I had seen him around for the two years I had been working with the Guild. I barely spoke to him. Greef Karga was the one who introduced us two years ago. I had been on Nevarro for two years now.

I watched as he made his way over to Karga, who greeted the Mandalorian like an old friend. As soon as the Mandalorian approached him, everyone returned to their business. I occasionally glanced over at Karga and the Mandalorian. Their conversation didn't last long. As soon as Karga handed him over what appeared to be a chip, he left. The bartender plopped down my drink. It was dark brown color with an edible bone on the top of the glass.

"Ani, catch." I said before I tossed the bone.

Ani caught the bone with ease. He wagged his tail as he chewed on the bone. I cracked a smile. I then chugged my drink before getting up.

"Come Ani, we have work to do." I urged.

The next day I landed my ship on the edge of the town. I had an Allanar N3 light freighter, called the Naberrie Maiden. I walked out of my cockpit and into the main hold where the bounty was. He was a Clawdite, making him difficult to catch for other bounty hunters. He wore Mabari armorweave, which was typical for Clawdites. His hands were bound together with stun cuffs. The main hold had a holotable, a couch, several computers, and a door leading to my quarters. Ani, who stood in front of the Clawdite, growled at him. As soon as I entered the room, the Clawdite glanced over at me before stared at the scar on my face. It was a nasty scar that I refused to speak of. The scar began on right below my right cheekbone and ended at the side of my neck. I gave Ani a pat on his head.

"Good boy, Ani." I said.

Ani wagged his tail at my words. The Clawdite looked at Ani in absolute horror.

"He's not a good dog! He nearly killed me!" He protested.

"Then you deserved it." I retorted before pulling him up from the couch. "Come on, up on your feet."

He reluctantly obliged, following Ani and me out of my ship and into town. Once I arrived in the cantina, we made our way over to Karga's booth. As we approached him, I overheard him sending a hologram to the Mandalorian.

"Mando, I received your transmission. Wonderful news! Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy. Safe passage! You know where to find me." He mentioned before turning his holoprojector off.

Now I'm very interested in what this bounty is. Karga finally noticed me with my bounty and his eyes widened. "That was fast."

He then chuckled. "But I expect nothing less from the Shadow Bonzami."

Karga then shouted out to one of his men to take the Clawdite away. Once he was taken away, I sat down in the booth across from Karga. He took out Imperial credits from a small pouch bag.

"Greef, you know me. No Imperial credits." I reminded him.

"Well I can do half in Corellian Credits and because I like you, I'll throw in Shata leather and Rancor-leather. You can make new pants and a jacket with that." Karga offered.

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