Chapter One

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—1351 words.—

"I feel like I've shrunk when I'm stood next to you." Twilight complained, Shard responding in a sigh. "Well I'm sorry you're a shortie." He grinned. "Hey!!" Twilight pushed his side, but he barely moved. "You are not strong enough to push me."

"You really wouldn't think you two are a couple." Bee laughed as she sat down next to Thorn, who was snickering the whole time.
Shard huffed, then suddenly jolted forwards as Twilight grabbed his back. "I'm not strong enough?" She joked. "That's cheating!" Shard snarled as he pulled Twilight off and held her in front of him.

"I could throw you."

"You won't."

"Is that a challenge?"


He sniggered as he placed Twilight down on the ground. Bee stood up and pulled her hand cannon off her side, loading it. "Who wants to shoot stuff?" She exclaimed. "Me!" Twilight called, darting over to Bee. "You're like a toddler who's been offered a trip to the toy shop." Shard laughed, Twilight huffing in response. Shaking his head, he added, "Right, where are we going?" Bee glanced over at him. "I was hoping we could just stay here."

Shard nodded. "Works for me."

Thorn stood up and loaded her shotgun, with slight difficulty as her arm was still wounded slightly from a previous fight. "Are we gonna fly anywhere or just jump on Sparrows or something?" Thorn asked, glancing around. "I wanna run stuff over with a Sparrow!" Twilight decided, leaping through a hole in the wall. "I guess the Sparrow option, then." Shard said as he jumped down, less excitedly, through the hole. As he steadied himself after landing, he looked up to just see a smudge of colour. "Well there goes Twilight." Bee giggled as Shard noticed her behind him.

"Yep. We should probably follow her." Shard rolled his eyes.

"Ow crap- that was a wall." Shard sighed. Bee slid to a halt behind him. "I'm impressed. You're a worse driver than me!" She laughed.
"Shut up."
Shard stopped as he saw Twilight jump off her Sparrow and turn around. "Heya!!" She called. Shard shook his head and jumped off too, walking over to her. "You do realise we went past a bunch of stuff we could have shot, right?"
"Yeaaahhh I prefer down here though." She smiled at him. She's too cute for her own good...
"Hey Thorn!!" Bee exclaimed. "I found a barrel!!" Shard turned to face the direction Bee's voice was coming from, and heard a loud explosion from the same area. He looked over to Thorn who just shook her head. "God damnit, Bee..." She sighed, walking over to where Bee, seemingly, blew up. Twilight skipped over to Shard. "At least I'm not that much of a derp." She said, poking him. "Yeah, at least." He sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Why'd you shoot the barrel?!??" Shard heard Thorn yell. "I wanted to-" Bee tried to respond. "Blow up!?!?" Thorn screeched, cutting her off. Twilight elbowed Shard's side. "Protective much?" She grinned. "You'd be pretty upset if I blew myself up."
Twilight sighed.

"Okay, I think that's all of them-" Bee started, only to get shot in the back of the head. "That wasn't all of them." Thorn facepalmed and walked over to revive Bee. Shard looked around. There he is.. He thought, pulling out the sniper rifle that Flint gave him and aiming at the Vandal that shot Bee. "Annddd.... bop. That's them felt with." Shard said after he'd fired at them. Bee stood up after Thorn revived her. "Nice."
"Didn't have much of a chance really. It's hard to live when you have a sniper pointed at your skull." Twilight said, walking over to the dead Vandal and grabbing the ammo it dropped.

"Hey guys! Am I just seeing things or is there someone over there?" Bee suddenly asked, staring through a door that lead into a, less, broken down building. "What do you...? Oh crap-" Thorn mumbled, walking slowly closer to the building. "Uh... hello?" Shard called into the building, pulling out the one weapon he kept from when he was still on the Fallen's side, a Shock Blade. Twilight followed behind him slowly, holding her bow. Looking around inside the building, Shard spotted someone sat facing away from him, wearing long, baggy robes and a helmet. I can't even tell what gender they are.
Suddenly, they turned around and jumped, half backing into the wall.

"Hey, hey calm down." Shard said, sheathing the Shock Blade again. They didn't appear to listen. Or understand. Twilight walked over to them slowly, and Shard noticed she had literally dropped her bow on the ground, along with the dagger she had. She's a lot better at being non-threatening than me. Shard felt the need to stay standing in the doorway. Thorn and Bee stood just behind Shard, Bee half leaning towards the door. Looking back over at Twilight, Shard noticed that the stranger didn't seem to understand her. This might be worth a try. "Twilight, hold on. Come here." Twilight turned and bolted towards Shard. "They won't listen."
"Or they don't understand."
"Huh?" Shard walked over to the figure, who was balled up in a corner, staring up at him. Turning around, he noticed that Twilight, Bee, and Thorn have wandered off. They're probably waiting outside. He turned back to the figure and sighed, crouching down to be the same, or at least similar, height as them. They still looked incredibly scared. Right, they may not understand English, so let's pray they understand my native language.

WRITER'S NOTE: Okay so I literally can't write or understand Fallen stuff so any speech in full italic isn't English okie bye.

"Hey, Hey, calm down, I'm not here to attack you." Shard said, hoping they would understand him.
They paused for a bit, looking a tad less scared. "But they always attack me.. I can't trust anyone anymore..." They shook their head. Shard still couldn't tell if they were actually Fallen or not. "Are the others trust worthy?" They squeaked, glancing at the doorway. Shard nodded. "They're my friends. If I can trust them, you can." He stood up, holding his hand out. "Come on, get up." Their gaze flickered from Shard's hand to his face, and then they let Shard help them up. Shard looked towards the doorway. "Stay here for a second." He said, glancing back at them. They nodded. Shard wandered outside, spotting the others sat on a log chatting. "Hey. You guys. Come here." Shard called. "Why? Have you managed to calm them down?" Thorn called back. Shard nodded.
"I've realised they don't speak English."
"Oh yeah?"
"They speak my language."
Thorn stood up, along with Bee and Twilight. Shard turned around to face the stranger again. He walked over to a partly crumbling countertop and sat on top of it. Twilight walked into the room and waved at the figure, who nodded before walking over to Shard and sitting next to him. When he jumped up, Shard noticed his hands for the first time. Three fingers. Definitely Fallen.

"Do they understand me?" They asked. Twilight looked over to them. "Yep. Thorn and Bee don't really though." Twilight answered, pointing to Bee and Thorn respectively. "What." Thorn looked at Twilight and blinked. "Point proven." Bee was sat there sniggering, as she at least partly understood. "So... you've never even mentioned your name." Shard said, looking at the other Fallen. "I'm Shard, by the way."
They looked at him. "It has been a long time since I've thought about that. I can't even remember." They responded, shaking their head. "Well, what can we call you then?" Twilight asked, glancing at Shard after speaking.
They sat and thought for a bit.

"Feel free to decide for yourself." They finally answered. Are they sure?
"Crieks?" Twilight asked, looking at them. They looked back at her. "That sounds nice." They decided. "Crieks it is." Shard said, standing up. "Okay so what have we even agreed on here?" Thorn asked, looking at Bee. "Something about names. I still don't fully understand. I can't really speak it properly."

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