Chapter Thirteen

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(Thanks to all of you so much! This is the furthest that any of my Wattpad stories have gotten! I had an old account, and the longest story I have was like... five parts. So to have one with thirteen chapters is wonderful :D)


"Hey. Flint. Get up you." Flint opened his eyes to Shard stood in the doorway. "Why are you like... the designated alarm clock..?" Flint was still half asleep, and his voice was scratchy. "Because I can be the loudest. C'mon." Shard turned and left, and Flint let go of Crieks then stretched, standing up and heading towards the door. He stopped and turned to look at Crieks, who was still asleep. Flint smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
"So why have I been forced out of bed?" Flint asked as he strolled down the last step. "Me, you, Twilight, Bee and Thorn are hopefully going to put and end to Leo tormenting everyone just because he dislikes you." Shard snarled.
"Gladly." Was Flint's simple response as he walked towards the door. "Are we going then?"
Bee nodded. "Yep. Wait a sec though, Thorn had a dent in her chest plate that she hadn't noticed so she's trying to get that out." Basically just as Bee finished her sentence, Thorn pushed the door open. The chest plate she was wearing had a scratch in the paint in a certain area, but she didn't look bothered.
"Right. You guys ready?" Thorn raised one eyebrow and lifted her Shotgun off her back, visible embers on her fingers.
"Yep!" Bee jumped up.
"Let's go then." Twilight smiled as Bee basically threw herself through the door.

The five of them strolled through the cave once again, Flint taking up the front with Thorn and Bee in the back.
Flint stopped and the others kind of formed a line on either side of him. In front of them sat Leo in his War Beast form. He was snarling with his jaws open. "Well look who's back..." He growled, his pure white eyes seemingly staring straight through Flint, who readied his bow, drawing the arrow, to defend himself.

"The liar and his friends."

"I'm a liar?" Flint hissed. "You're the one who ruined Crieks' life just because he annoyed you."

"I ruined his life? He had it coming."

"So what did he do then?"

"He betrayed me-"

"Hey, hey, hey, stop right there." Flint took a step forward, still holding tight onto the arrow. "Crieks did nothing but listen to you. He tried to trust you, he thought you loved him. You took that to your advantage and you broke his heart, and then you buried it in the fucking mud."
Leo glared at Flint, his lips drew back in a snarl. "Listen here you bitch, you have no reason to trust him. You have no reason to trust any Fallen. In fact, if I hadn't trusted Shard over there, I'd still be alive and okay right now."
Shard stepped forward and hissed; "How do I have anything to do with your fucking stupid life choices? You're the reason I lost my eye and my arm!"
Flint put his arm out to hold Shard back. "Let me deal with this traitor."

"Ha! I'd like to see you try-" Flint knocked Leo back with an arrow while he was half way through talking, sending him onto his side. "You little..." He snarled and flung himself at Flint, who summoned a group of flaming knives in his hand and threw them at Leo, who was still midair, throwing him into a wall and leaving him with deep cuts over his chest. Instead of blood, Leo seemed to just leak more of that weird grey liquid. He screeched, then went limp onto the ground. "Is he...? That was easy-" Shard started, but was cut off by Leo screaming and morphing into a dragon about two times his height, and Shard wasn't exactly short.
Leo roared an reared up on his hind legs, about to slam his front feet down on top of Flint, who dodged backwards as the claws dug into the stone floor, making a horrible scraping sound. "Everyone super." Shard growled as all three of his hands became covered in arc energy and it slowly moved up until it was at his shoulders, then he flung himself upwards and slammed down onto Leo's shoulders, making him yowl in pain.
Bee charged a ball of void energy and then lobbed it at Leo, and Thorn summoned a massive flaming hammer in her hands and sprinted towards Leo, smashing it down on his feet. Twilight drew a large staff from her back and it flashed with arc energy as she charged at Leo next to Thorn, spinning it around. Leo looked overwhelmed as he squealed loudly and his gaze flicked between each of them. He reared up again to try and avoid Thorn and Twilight, but Thorn slamming the hammer into the ground made flaming streaks rise from the floor and they just drove themselves into his back legs, while Twilight just ran forwards and continued to slash at his legs. The blows to his feet made Leo fall back, just as all their supers ran out. He crashed down to the floor and shrunk into his base form, himself. He lent on one arm and glared up at Flint, who had walked over to his limp body. "Congratulations. You've won." Leo snarled. "Now walk off with your victory."
"I'm not leaving until you have no head left." He aimed a fusion rifle at Leo's skull.
"Heh. Do it then. I've done what I wanted; I've made you suffer."
Flint growled and he charged the fusion rifle up, sparks of void light flying off of it occasionally.

"I'll see you in hell." Flint hissed just a second before the rifle fired and Leo's body disintegrated, leaving only a small stain of void light on the floor.
"He's gone. It's over." Flint didn't move his gaze from where Leo was as Shard spoke.
"He had it coming." Was his only response.


I'm so sorry this took so long! I haven't been feeling that inspired recently, as I've been grinding quests on Destiny 2 instead... I'm aiming for the title for Season of Dawn; Saviour... and its... painful, to say the least. I do have like 50 something days left though, and I only need... I think four more triumphs, not including the collections badge (which I only need two more things for, one that you can't even get yet), so I'm doing pretty well :)
See you guys later!

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